Creator of the Google Chrome Smite Guide Extension, Google Chrome League of Legends Guide Extension and Google Chrome Dota 2 Guide Extension. Got any questions, criticism or suggestions for my extensions? PM me, post on this topic (smite-only), this topic (league-only), this topic (Dota 2-only) or email me at
-- V2.2.0 --
MLG (Mobafire LoL Guides) will now be using Semantic Versioning (Summary: instead of the 4 digits, also the addition of the search box and some rewritings of the code.
- Search box, long requested feature! Type in a champion's name and it will fade all the others out and show you just the champion you need.
- Braum, the Heart of the Freljord added (NOTE: The link will not work until builds are created for the champion on Mobafire).
- Updated Malphite's (New artwork) and Twitch's (Visual Upgrade) face icons to latest version.
MLG (Mobafire LoL Guides) will now be using Semantic Versioning (Summary: instead of the 4 digits, also the addition of the search box and some rewritings of the code.
- Search box, long requested feature! Type in a champion's name and it will fade all the others out and show you just the champion you need.
- Braum, the Heart of the Freljord added (NOTE: The link will not work until builds are created for the champion on Mobafire).
- Updated Malphite's (New artwork) and Twitch's (Visual Upgrade) face icons to latest version.
Finally added the long requested search box feature, update is still being processed by the Chrome Webstore but it'll be rolling out soon to all the extension users.
Kind regards,
Creator of the Google Chrome Smite Guide Extension, Google Chrome League of Legends Guide Extension and Google Chrome Dota 2 Guide Extension. Got any questions, criticism or suggestions for my extensions? PM me, post on this topic (smite-only), this topic (league-only), this topic (Dota 2-only) or email me at
League of Legends Easy Search
Latest version
Completely redesigned, new features and much more the awesome.. Give it a try if you've never had! :)
Enjoy your day,
The new redesigned extension, v3.0.0!
Latest version
-- V3.0.0 --
The extension has been redesigned fully, thanks to SrPatinhas for the help with this, oh and we're also called League of Legends Easy Search (LoLES) now.
- New look and new name!
- You can now search summoner's their name quickly on the following sites: Lolking, Lolking Now, LolNexus, OP GG, Elophant. This works for any region.
- Summoner guides can now be searched easily on the following sites: Mobafire (basic & advanced), ChampionSelect, Probuilds, Solomid, LolPro, LolBuilder, LoLKing, LolSkill, Lol Wiki, Elophant (only basic).
- All face icons have been upgraded to their respective latest versions.
- Official sites that we use can be found by either scrolling down to the bottom of the champion list or by clicking the small info (i) button on the bottom-right.
- Enjoy the awesome
The extension has been redesigned fully, thanks to SrPatinhas for the help with this, oh and we're also called League of Legends Easy Search (LoLES) now.
- New look and new name!
- You can now search summoner's their name quickly on the following sites: Lolking, Lolking Now, LolNexus, OP GG, Elophant. This works for any region.
- Summoner guides can now be searched easily on the following sites: Mobafire (basic & advanced), ChampionSelect, Probuilds, Solomid, LolPro, LolBuilder, LoLKing, LolSkill, Lol Wiki, Elophant (only basic).
- All face icons have been upgraded to their respective latest versions.
- Official sites that we use can be found by either scrolling down to the bottom of the champion list or by clicking the small info (i) button on the bottom-right.
- Enjoy the awesome
Completely redesigned, new features and much more the awesome.. Give it a try if you've never had! :)
Enjoy your day,
Creator of the Google Chrome Smite Guide Extension, Google Chrome League of Legends Guide Extension and Google Chrome Dota 2 Guide Extension. Got any questions, criticism or suggestions for my extensions? PM me, post on this topic (smite-only), this topic (league-only), this topic (Dota 2-only) or email me at
- V3.0.1 --
A new champion added to the game, sorry for the delay! I was on vacation myself.
- Gnar, the Missing Link added (NOTE: The link will not work until builds are created for the champion on Mobafire).
New champion, Gnar. Sorry for delay, had vacation!
Kind regards,
Creator of the Google Chrome Smite Guide Extension, Google Chrome League of Legends Guide Extension and Google Chrome Dota 2 Guide Extension. Got any questions, criticism or suggestions for my extensions? PM me, post on this topic (smite-only), this topic (league-only), this topic (Dota 2-only) or email me at
-- V3.0.2 --
A new champion added to the game, and updated some face icons!
- Azir, the Emperor of the Sands added (NOTE: The link will not work until builds are created for the champion on Mobafire).
- Updated the following champion's face icons to their latest version: Akali, Cassiopeia, Orianna, Renekton and Urgot.
A new champion added to the game, and updated some face icons!
- Azir, the Emperor of the Sands added (NOTE: The link will not work until builds are created for the champion on Mobafire).
- Updated the following champion's face icons to their latest version: Akali, Cassiopeia, Orianna, Renekton and Urgot.
New champion and some face icon updates.
Kind regards,
Creator of the Google Chrome Smite Guide Extension, Google Chrome League of Legends Guide Extension and Google Chrome Dota 2 Guide Extension. Got any questions, criticism or suggestions for my extensions? PM me, post on this topic (smite-only), this topic (league-only), this topic (Dota 2-only) or email me at
-- V3.1.0 --
A new update, sorry for the wait but we're introducing something that's Beta even to LoL itself!
- Match History functionality added, the new Beta feature from LoL to find your own match histories displayed on their site. This took some work to make it functional, but we've succeeded. Do note that after typing in your name and pressing enter to wait a small bit as it might take a few seconds (up to 10) to generate the url to your match history page.
- Alphabetized Summoner & Champion Tab.
- Added 2 new Summoner search options: QuickFind & LoL Summoners.
- Added 1 new Champion guides option: LoL Counter.
- Updated the following champion's face icons (27 in total!) to their latest version: Blitzcrank, Caitlyn, Cho'Gath, Ezreal, Gragas, Graves, Janna, Jarvan IV, Jax, Kayle, Kog'Maw, Lee Sin, Rengar, Rumble, Shaco, Shen, Shyvana, Singed, Sion, Talon, Tristana, Udyr, Vayne, Veigar, Wukong, Zilean.
Note: The Match History functionality runs through a few website API's to get information, this is all public information that Riot stores, to create the link to show you to your page. However it is running through a standard Riot API development key which can only handle 10 requests every 10 seconds and 500 requests every 10 minutes. If we ever go over this limit, then I'll have to register my app to the developer program of Riot. Please do report if match histories stop displaying so I can send in a request to Riot.
A new update, sorry for the wait but we're introducing something that's Beta even to LoL itself!
- Match History functionality added, the new Beta feature from LoL to find your own match histories displayed on their site. This took some work to make it functional, but we've succeeded. Do note that after typing in your name and pressing enter to wait a small bit as it might take a few seconds (up to 10) to generate the url to your match history page.
- Alphabetized Summoner & Champion Tab.
- Added 2 new Summoner search options: QuickFind & LoL Summoners.
- Added 1 new Champion guides option: LoL Counter.
- Updated the following champion's face icons (27 in total!) to their latest version: Blitzcrank, Caitlyn, Cho'Gath, Ezreal, Gragas, Graves, Janna, Jarvan IV, Jax, Kayle, Kog'Maw, Lee Sin, Rengar, Rumble, Shaco, Shen, Shyvana, Singed, Sion, Talon, Tristana, Udyr, Vayne, Veigar, Wukong, Zilean.
Note: The Match History functionality runs through a few website API's to get information, this is all public information that Riot stores, to create the link to show you to your page. However it is running through a standard Riot API development key which can only handle 10 requests every 10 seconds and 500 requests every 10 minutes. If we ever go over this limit, then I'll have to register my app to the developer program of Riot. Please do report if match histories stop displaying so I can send in a request to Riot.
Hello there,
Another update with so many new champion face icons.. Plus Match History functionality.
Kind regards,
Creator of the Google Chrome Smite Guide Extension, Google Chrome League of Legends Guide Extension and Google Chrome Dota 2 Guide Extension. Got any questions, criticism or suggestions for my extensions? PM me, post on this topic (smite-only), this topic (league-only), this topic (Dota 2-only) or email me at
-- V3.1.1 --
New Summoner's Rift is in Beta, a new champion released, a minor hotfix to LoLES Mobafire builds searching and two updated faces! LoLES also features new promotional tile images for the Chrome Webstore, fancy!
- Kalista, the Spear of Vengeance added (NOTE: The link will not work until builds are created for the champion on Mobafire).
- Corrected an issue preventing users from searching Mobafire champion guides.
- Updated the following champion's face icons to their latest version: Graves and Maokai.
New Summoner's Rift is in Beta, a new champion released, a minor hotfix to LoLES Mobafire builds searching and two updated faces! LoLES also features new promotional tile images for the Chrome Webstore, fancy!
- Kalista, the Spear of Vengeance added (NOTE: The link will not work until builds are created for the champion on Mobafire).
- Corrected an issue preventing users from searching Mobafire champion guides.
- Updated the following champion's face icons to their latest version: Graves and Maokai.
New Summoner's Rift and new champion, this'll be interesting.
Kind regards,
Creator of the Google Chrome Smite Guide Extension, Google Chrome League of Legends Guide Extension and Google Chrome Dota 2 Guide Extension. Got any questions, criticism or suggestions for my extensions? PM me, post on this topic (smite-only), this topic (league-only), this topic (Dota 2-only) or email me at
-- V3.1.2 --
New champion included and some more artwork changes, LoL is looking prettier each patch.
- Rek'Sai, the Void Burrower added (NOTE: The links might not work until builds are created for the champion on the websites).
New champion included and some more artwork changes, LoL is looking prettier each patch.
- Rek'Sai, the Void Burrower added (NOTE: The links might not work until builds are created for the champion on the websites).
-- V3.1.3 --
Riot's sure doing a lot of face icon changes lately, oh well. Here's bringing LoLES to using these latest changes to them!
- Updated the following champion's face icons (27 in total again!) to their latest version: Azir, Ahri, Alistar, Cho'Gath, Ezreal, Gragas, Graves, Janna, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Kog'Maw, Lee Sin, Malphite, Maokai, Orianna, Renekton, Rengar, Rumble, Shyvana, Sion, Talon, Tristana, Udyr, Vayne, Veigar, Viktor, Zilean
Riot's sure doing a lot of face icon changes lately, oh well. Here's bringing LoLES to using these latest changes to them!
- Updated the following champion's face icons (27 in total again!) to their latest version: Azir, Ahri, Alistar, Cho'Gath, Ezreal, Gragas, Graves, Janna, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Kog'Maw, Lee Sin, Malphite, Maokai, Orianna, Renekton, Rengar, Rumble, Shyvana, Sion, Talon, Tristana, Udyr, Vayne, Veigar, Viktor, Zilean
Seems I forgot to post the changelog from v3.1.2 last time, I'm sorry! LoLES currently has about 9800 users, nearly hitting that 10.000! A big thank you to the users for incorporating LoLES into your LoL experiences and we'll continue going strong.
Kind regards,
Creator of the Google Chrome Smite Guide Extension, Google Chrome League of Legends Guide Extension and Google Chrome Dota 2 Guide Extension. Got any questions, criticism or suggestions for my extensions? PM me, post on this topic (smite-only), this topic (league-only), this topic (Dota 2-only) or email me at
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Been away for a while due to RL reasons, my apologies.. A long-needed fix and a new champion (which was already out for a while :/)
- Champions after Xerath's icon are now working again, they were previously not doing anything when clicked.
- Xin Zhao re-added to the champions list, no clue how he ever got deleted.
- Vel'Koz, the Eye of the Void added(NOTE: The link will not work until builds are created for the champion on Mobafire).
- Updated Heimerdinger's face icon to latest version.
A search bar /might/ be implemented in the feature but would require a re-write of the code, whenever I have time to do this I will get to that.
Kind regards,