Hello everybody!

And welcome to my "Top 10 champions you should be ashamed of yourself, if playing them in low elo games". Why you should be ashamed? Not only because they are easy and don't require ANY skill to be good with them. What is even worse - long time exposition to these "noob stompers" corrodes and destroy your personality and sportsman behaviour as well!!!!

During this whole time I saw many different players playing these champions and most of them followed one of two same patterns:
  • if they were winning: laughing at enemy team and calling them noobs, says easy game, sur at 20 etc.
  • if they were losing: they get toxic beyond measure, flame all chat and generally rage at their own team mates that were "**** players"

I hope this list can avert at least few new players from playing these stupid champions, and save themself from lots of trouble. Because everyone can stomp the enemy team with these champs. But not everyone can actually play. Some of them may not be as much of a stompers, but I explain why you should stay away from them. You can pick them up from Gold 2 up, where people can actually deal with those easy champs and you need some kind of skill, AND BRAIN, to excell with them:


Cheeeeeesus where to start? This guy doesn't need a Flash, as he has it built in his kit already. He doesn't deal much damage with his Q and W, or even his ult, but overall he is stupid. Ezreal may be good for lvl 5-15 players who wanna learn how to ADC but as soon as you learn the basics, you should drop this guy and start playing real ADC champions, like Jinx. Graves, Corki, Caitlyn, Vayne, Sivir or Lucian. Why? Because this guy is all about using his E ability every few seconds, jumping around, doing nothing. Sure, you won't die as much, but you have no presence. Pick up some real champion, I advise ;)


Now this is a really stupid champion. Sure, high elo players have no problem with her, as she has no armour and is vulnerable to any kind of CC. But down here... well... you don't need any skill to be a monster with her. You just go Top lane (even jungle!!) and kill everyone you meet. Her kit is just a rollface thing and anytime you meet the enemy, just press QWER for easy kill.

Fun fact - 99% of Feedora's are very negative. If they stomp you, they talk **** in all-chat about enemy team being noob, easy, and stupid. If they are losing (usually if they meet anyboy with a bit of brain that CC them and force their team to focus Fiora) - they end up like 25/15 K/D ratio, blaming their whole team of being useless noobs that should get cancer and uninstall LoL.

Stay away of this champion, or you will get banned, or becomes a toxic ***** that nobody wish to play with anymore.


OMG. This is one of the most banned champions of Bronze and Silver league. Why? Cause he is stupid, actually! He can dodge all skillshots and any abilities, he deals insane damage, got gap closer/gap maker and got really strong ulti that is hard to miss. He doesn't require any skill, and is anothe "noob stomper", so don't play him if you want to learn anything about this MOBA game. Most of the Fizz players thinks they are really good but they are wrong. They just picked up easy champ and are really dissapointed when facing an oponent, who actually knows how to play mid lane.


Press 'R' to win. With her "flash" to nearby allies/enemies, and stupid ult that can be easily interrupted (but only if you know the basics), she is really bad champion to play. It is so easy to pick up a randuin's cap and ult everyone to death within a second. And that is all that Kata is about. Close the gap, ult and get a kill. Really stupid and easy. Also many Kata's are toxic, as they think they are the big deal of the show and if they are not, they balme everybody around.


Sure, go ahead, play him, and his stupid healing missiles. But around gold 5 you will be very dissapointed when you find out he is not so OP if you play against playrs that knows the game, actually. He got jumnps, resets, insane burst and overall sustain. What more do you need for a noob stomper? Lear to paly this bug and later on you will be crushed so badly, you may wanna quit the whole League. Like my latest experience.

I just bought Nunu & Willump and got to play against this bug. I went for his wolves, and met him in there. He got about 60% HP I got 45%. I threw a snowball on him, he runs away. As he run, he tried to get at least one wolf. I Smite the big wolf, and eat the little one. Kha'Zix runs away as he couldn't do shiet to me, as I was tanky as fck with a sunfre cape and lots of protection. Yeah. This is how good bug is. He relies on burst and the fact that everybody fears him in low elo games. And he gets toxic as hell if he is doing poorly :(

Master Yi

Really? I mean - I understand. You are total noob, you are about lvl 5 and you buy this cheap champion and think - OMG HE IS SO OPPPPPPP!!!! And then you get to lvl 25 just to find out he sucks balls. Any minor CC kills him and he can dominate only Bronze league. As form silver up, players learn how to easily one shot down this stupid champ. Sure, he was OP during his period, but not anymore. So do yourself a favour and don't play this *****. Also from my experience this is about fifth most toxic champion in game. No wonder why, though. He is so impotent, he has to make it up with big words. But words doesn't win this game, guys. Just remember that. ;)


Now this is an interesting champion. He is not necessary bad, or toxic or whatever. But he is SOOOO SINGLE-PLAYER, that is hurts. Why? Because of his Q ability.

It just makes you wanna stay on top lane and farm till the kingdom come. Therefore you force your team to fight 4v5 fights and most of the time - to lose. And most Nasus players, afterwards, asks WHY. WHY DO YOU FIGHT WITHOUT ME? Well.. you *****, because you are AFK farming Q on top, not giving a fck about us.

And then, late game, doge thinks he can 1v5 anybody, that is not necessary true. That is not true in 8 out of 10 fighte doge engages in.

Yes. Don't play single playeer campaign Nasus. Play someone that is a team palyer. PLEASE!!!


Mostly the same goes for him, as goes for Nasus. Stacking Q, not leavig the lane. And then, late game, these players tends to flame all-chat with stupid "lol 1500 dmg with Q, *****es" or "dat Q" and shiet.

Really? You think you good just because you stacked your Q for 35 minutes while your other lanes lost both towers? And then laughling cause you Qed someone while the rest of the enemy team one shot you to death? Fck you, purple minion. Let Riot delete you, single player ***** mage.


You know how people often say "stupid monkey"? Well, for this one it is 1000% true. Any 10 years old boy can play this monkey on top or in jungle. You just rollface to victory and thanks to his insane ability ratios (that were nerfed in 4.5 but not really), nobody can trade with you. Unless you take Alistar top and Headbutt monkey away before he can do anything. And again, after Feedora's, Wukong players tends to be the second most toxic of them all. Cause they are spin to win champs and if that doesn't go well, it is the team's fault.


Wow. Just fcking WOW. I play drafts for 2 reasons. No instalockers, and I can get to ban this idiot champion. He is worse than Kassadin, and after his remake ( Kassadin's I mean), he is even more banworthy. This was one of the most imbalanced champions RIOT ever released, imho. He is such a noob stomper, that Fields of Justice ever seen. Just give him 2 or 3 free kills at the beginning and he is unstoppable. 1000000% crit chance, shields, dmg, dash that can be used each second....... really? Do you need anything more to be a true noob stomper?

And he sits on the third place of most toxic players. Not only he KS everything in sight, if he does badly, he blames his jungler for all the bad stuff. Cause as we all know, it ias always the fault of support, or that supid uselsss jungler. OMG. Just delete this ***** and we'll be allright again.

That's it, folks. So next time, when someone tells you they main any of these champs and how awesome they are... well.... no. Just NO. Just tell them they sux and if they want to find if they are really good, they should play some other champs. Some champs that actually requires a good twitch reaction and some thinking. Like... like any other champ in there.

Good bye for now ;)