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Nera's Ranked Journey!

Creator: Nera May 14, 2014 4:19am
Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 18, 2014 7:07am | Report
Well here's another loss to the books:

Not much to say really, had trouble in lane and played more carefully, akali came in for a gank and we ended up under tower, i tried moving back to show her i needed to go but she stayed and stayed under tower in the end causing my death. don't remember if she ended up getting away, either way that made darius really big and i couldn't handle him in the end. when it came to teamfights we just didnt have any coordination (the wonders of solo q) thresh would land hooks where i would be the only one to try to follow up on it since everyone else would be too afraid to follow up which would lead again and again to my deaths,and he was hooking high priority targets too... so yea overall just a bad game. Started to build as tanky as i could when i noticed that in the end our shyvana was building no tank whatsoever against fed enemies. in the end to no avail as i tried to tank whatever i could has they tower dove and got to our nexus.

Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 18, 2014 7:57am | Report
Here's another one for today,

Finally a break from the loss streak :).

Overall a very good game, Laning phase went decent with lux and i going 1 and 1 on each other. Xin Zhao made sure to gank top2-3 times early to shut down the Nasus. The poor dog never got back into the game,singed would just run circles around him and won lane from there. Bot lane was doing decent with a few ganks. The only 2 issues were Diana and Lux as a pull from Diana followed by all of Lux's abilities would win them teamfights. But they could never get any objectives except an early dragon as our lanes were always pushed up creating too much pressure to get anything while we already had 3-5 towers. At some point they sneaked a baron, but at that point we had already snowballed out of control from all our objectives and beat them in a teamfight even with the disadvantage.

Overall a good game.

Off to get ready for work for now,might sneak another one in tonight i'll see how it goes.
Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 18, 2014 2:50pm | Report
Here's one more.

Early game was actualy winning lane against the Kassadin but he remains to be himself and soon as he had ult he would go ahead and roam like he is known for. no matter how many times i would ping to say he is gone no one would try to be careful and so he got extremely fed. Combine that with the power of Evelynn who was always everywhere it was a good game on that part. we had the teamfight advantage when it ame down to it. but they got fed too fast which screwed us up. Udyr having the wonderful Feral Flare never ganked and so left losing lanes to lose. Also don't ask me why he had both jungling items...

What could i have done better except pinging that he was mia? follow him and counter gank? he is so fast you cant catch up to him anyways. Thanks for advice!

Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 18, 2014 4:49pm | Report
another one for the books! :)

Overall completely outfarmed and zoned the Fizz early game which gave me a good amount of gold for the late game. Darius dominated top lane and was fighting them 1 v 3 at some point, such a beast. Basically just pushed towers got barons and dragons. nothing they could do we had too much of an early game comp against their late comp.

Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2014 8:53am | Report
Hey guys,heres one from last night that i didnt get the chance to post up.

Basically everyone was winning lane. i mean everyone, then... Yasuo's for 10 minutes, which in that time we get 2-4 4 man gank bots with Vi being in the top lane or something of the kind which then made us lose bot lane hard. which then translated into them getting more and more objectives. Yasuo came back.. for... 2 -3 minutes... then afk's again. and the same thing happens over and over again. overall a game we could of easily won if it had been a 5 v 5 the whole time.

I died too many times trying to protect the whole team and from the 4 man gank bots, i usually pride myself on my somewhat low deathcounts (id say average 2-6) still not the best... but not twelve times... Better ward coverage could of helped, but most of the time id see them coming and i would ping Sivir to fall back, but she would continue playing full aggro and we would then end up dying to the 4 man gank.

overall just a bad end to a game that was winning.

Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2014 10:08am | Report
Here's a duo queue with my good friend Crator Maker:

Another good game :)

Unfortunately was only able get get one kill on Nidalee early, except that she was just too slippery for me to get a hold of. Build my usual Roa, then i built my abyssal early because of they very much dot and spear dmg that could hurt alot, then finally rylai's for that extra utility and hp and of course damage. We got an early bot turret which transformed into drag control which transformed into getting mid and top towers, which basically snowballed the game completely for us. Got a good triple kill bot lane while the other two members of their team were top with our irelia and we managed to get 2 towers and an inhib out of it plus their blue and another dragon.

Overall a complete stomp.

Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2014 10:49am | Report
Here's another duo queue with my buddy :)

Well yet again this game was a complete stomp. Went against another Nidalee. I starting to wonder why people pick that against a strong early game Annie overall killed her 3 times real quick in lane within the first 7 minutes, then Kayle and Nidalee switched lanes to try to see if that would work more, but overall Nidalee was so underfed at 10 minutes in Malphite got another kill on her. She then ragequit and didn't come back leaving her teammates to fight 5 fed enemies.

Roamed bot got a few more kills assists and a tower and dragon. They still put up a fight but it was to no avail as we won every teamfight with our AOE comp.

Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2014 1:52pm | Report
Another one for you guys :)

Was doing well in lane against the Corki. trading kill for kill, falling behind on cs though as i am not the best adc in the world. But then came the Orianna ganks over and over since she was losing lane against the Syndra. As tanky as Leona was at that point they tower dove us over and over without any follow-up from our jungler nor mid lane. overall a bad mid game made us lose this one.

On to the next one!

Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 19, 2014 2:43pm | Report
Here's probably the last one of the day :)

Just feels like each time i get close to my promo's i get stuck with all the trolls or afk's...
This game Evelynn went for invade which in itself was fine we traded 1 for 1 both for me and Kassadin
while i ended up with their red buff as he had killed Evelynn. Then came the point where eve got her buffs and ganked top just to tower dive the Lee Sin at level 3 giving him buffs and complete control on the lane on volibear. Then she came mid and again screwed the early game even more for us my giving Kassadin yet another kill putting both top and mid completely behind. Tried to do what i could but once he hit 6 he would just do as he pleases along side their Master Yi and Lee Sin coming mid consistently.

I only don't know what we could of done better in this game. Games like these are so frustrating to me. I think iv'e seen less ******ed people in the lower bronzes than the current mmr i have now at about gold 5...

My csing could of been better alongside being able to land my stuns... but them having such a fed and slippery team made it impossible for me to land anything.

overall just a bad game. We had gotten Crator Maker to his promo's just to fail them unfortunately.
better luck next time i guess.

Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 25, 2014 10:13am | Report
well went on a little hiatus since i was having trouble climbing and came back with this one :)

Basically i did my red at start of game then started heading for blue... Bot lane gets caught and both have to go back. I do blue while they return to lane. i was like just a minor setback we can do this up and go for a gank for them. We take out Jinx's flash so vayne and i backoff since there was nothing else we could do since they had gotten to turret... just to notice leona had zenith bladed under turret.... at lvl 2.... at that point i just farmed a bit then again went for a gank bot... and almost same thing happens again leona does a bad play and basically 2 people die to the jinx if i remember correctly... i just don't know how people at this elo can still be this bad.... Mid-late game there was just nothing we could do... their entire team just peeled the jinx and it was good game. guess i should of tried to snowball more the other lanes after that first bad play by leona and it would of been ok... then again heimy and the bear were always pushed up and winning lane... not much i could of done in those circumstances...

oh well i guess back to playing some normals to get more practice. Cause that's what i do when i get on a losing streak... i just go play normals,get better mechanics and explore new champs.

See yall next time!

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