As my first champion talks; I wanna talk about this guyYeah, you all know him well and his name is Shaco

When I play Shaco, people ask me if I am ******ed and asks me to choose everyone except him cuz "he sucks." - the thing is for me; I can play him - people who think they can play him are wrong then gets mad and blames it on the champ.

Shaco is actually a bit of fun to play, juking and assassinate targets then gets away with it! the "problem" for Shaco is the late game - he is a early game burster with high AD and assassination capablities but he's squishy and if you make it to late game, sacrifice some bad items for tanky items, they will help alot; believe me.


Q - Deceive; Shaco becomes invisable for some secs.
W - Jack in the Box; Shaco places a box and fears and does damage while its alive.
E - Two-Shiv Poison aka. "The Nuker"; Shaco throws a shiv that slows and does dmg over time.
R - Hallucinate; Shaco makes a copy of himself that he controls and when "it" dies it does alot of damage against everyone near the copy.

- People doesn't know how to use em right and it bothers me that they flame on a person and/or a champ cuz him/they can't play him right.

Pros and Cons


-High Early game dmg
-Has an escape
-Potentional early game kills
-Medium good ganks.


-Can die alot easier when focused
-little potential late game (If extremely under leveled or the other teams is fed.)
-No ganks needed late.

Well this covers everything I believe, but don't go so harsh on Shaco; he just loves to troll and murder people.

Stay tuned for more Champion Talks!

-Jacob W. aka JJxCracKLorD