Hello everyone. Sorry for taking down the last blog, but I felt like I was blabbering too much. After talking to one of the members on MOBAFire, I've decided to start a journey blog. I'll post a new blog every time I hit a milestone, learn something important, or if I happen to see something worth mentioning. Hopefully, I can keep everyone entertained. So...time to start.

Win 25. Yeah, I'm not in PvP much at all. This one was pretty big for me though. For the first time...I played a solo-queue ADC. Everything was pretty normal in champ select. Three people put in their calls for Mid, Top, and Support. I asked if the other person was okay with playing Jungle since I am GOD AWFUL and have two champions to use in the jungle. He's fine with that, and now I'm playing Jinx with Thresh as backup.

The lineup: Garen, Poppy, Xerath, Lulu, and Twitch vs. Rengar, Udyr, Lux, Jinx, and Thresh.

The first part of the game goes well. Despite being terrified of Twitch, I'd never played a game where this champion lost, I scored two early kills. Lulu proved more annoying. I could see why Twitch was dying though. Lulu built AP and was more focused on trying to attack us than shield Twitch. Twitch continued to get dropped whenever I saw him. Around 12:00, Udyr took the dragon down on his own. Xerath had pushed Lux to their limit, and Lux wasn't getting the help they pinged for since Udyr was focused on his Feral Flare. Our lane was fine since Lulu couldn't push, so we roamed up. Zap into Flame Chompers while Xerath was ulting dropped his HP low and Lux finished him with the Laser Pointer of Doom. Twitch and Lulu rotated to follow us after Xerath died, but the rat got trapped again. We stayed to help push to the first tower, and Poppy helped Garen with a gank to take Rengar in retribution.

Teamfights started breaking out at this point. Xerath was a big threat. He had Zhonya's and was a better tank than I expected. Most of the fights went in our favor though. I kept near the back and picked off targets, but I always watched for the biggest threat on the enemy team: Poppy. Poppy had a Feral Flare and enough armor to wade through the bullets I rained her way. Luckily, Exhaust and Flame Chompers kept her locked up until we could focus our fire. Thresh did an amazing job. He would flay enemies away and seemed to have "Hook Sense" where he would wheel around and catch Xerath and Twitch off guard. This continued for about ten minutes of non-stop kill trading. In this middle of this, Rengar and Udyr went to take down Baron. We held the enemy team in mid, and I died right before Baron gave up his buff. From there, we continued to push down all the lanes. Baron buff and an insanely fed carry proved too much, and the nexus was not too far behind the inhibitors.

In the after game, everyone said their farewells, but Poppy stayed to chat. I complimented them for scaring the **** out of me (seeing Poppy take SMDR at 20% and live...yeah), and they congratulated me on my first ADC win. I mopped up a healthy 21/2/4. Hopefully, this is just the start. My first goal is to get PvP experience, about three to five hundred wins, before I dive into Ranked play. Until then, see you on the Rift!