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Rammus Ability (LoL): Defensive Ball Curl

Defensive Ball Curl Rammus

Rammus Ability: Defensive Ball Curl
Cooldown: 6
Cost: 40
Rammus enters a defensive formation, gaining 40 (+35 / 45 / 55 / 65 / 75% total armor) armor and 10 (+30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% magic resist for 6 seconds. While active, Spiked Shell's damage is increased by 50% and also damages enemies that Attack Rammus. Rammus' attacks increase the duration by 0.4 seconds (max: 4).

Recast: Rammus ends this ability early.

Rammus's Abilities

Rammus Ability: Defensive Ball Curl Rammus Ability: Defensive Ball Curl Rammus Ability: Defensive Ball Curl Rammus Ability: Defensive Ball Curl
Defensive Ball Curl is used by Rammus

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IcyAuron (23) | December 3, 2014 11:32am
One of the most underrated abilities in the game.
TwitcherBrain (37) | April 7, 2012 2:36pm
Bonus Thornmail effect. With taunt and thornmail, and ult, deal a lot of damage to AD enemy.
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