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Taric Ability (LoL): Gemcraft

Gemcraft Taric

Taric Ability: Gemcraft
After casting a spell, Taric gains a buff that deals 20% of his total Armor as bonus Magic Damage his next auto attack.

Passive: Empowered attacks reduce the cooldown of all abilities by 2 seconds.

Taric's Abilities

Taric Ability: Gemcraft Taric Ability: Gemcraft Taric Ability: Gemcraft Taric Ability: Gemcraft
Gemcraft is used by Taric

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Drosselmeyer (2) | February 17, 2014 4:24am
Now it is based of armor, still strong tough
Gallyan1993 | January 5, 2014 3:34pm
With an Iceborn Gauntlet Taric can slow every 2 second because of this passive on the cake TOP LANE TARIC OP RIGHT NOW :D DONT NERF IT RIOT, HE IS MY NEW MAIN !!!
Rendord | August 26, 2013 6:10am
this is the soul reason why i play Top lane taric
Meiyjhe (539) | June 22, 2013 4:42am

Hey, is this counted as an on-hit effect?

CrystalGlacier | June 22, 2013 4:33am
Hey, is this counted as an on-hit effect?
mathbrook (1) | March 1, 2013 1:49pm
AdrAlpha wrote:

First comment 😄

This would be more useful on mages .

ap Taric is now as broken as ap Tryndamere
Muramana and Gemcraft means TONS OF DAMAGE
AdrAlpha | August 26, 2012 11:39pm
First comment 😄

This would be more useful on mages .
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