Hello everyone!

While listening to some podcast, guys talked a bit about picks and bans and said, that Kassadin is either banned, or picked and usually team that has him, wins the game. Very true, unless they go like Kassa I faced recently, who got 4x Rabaddon, RoA and basic boots).

So, perpetual question - why Riot doesn't do anything about him, and how to fix him?

To be honest, Kassadin is a victim of his own OPness. He is the ultimate, current meta champ - got silence, gap closer/maker, massive burst dmg, mobility. He kills before you can do squatt as 1v1, the same goes for team fights. Since lvl 6 till the end of the game he is a constant threat and even pros can't deal with him, so he is permabanned.

Sure, he costs only 3150 IP, but why should you buy a champ, that you can play only in custom games and troll picks? (sry, I meant blind picks). One thing is clear - he needs to be fixed, but for now on it seems like Riot pretends Kassa has no problems, or that it is not important. Here are few possibiliites, from which I think only one is the best:


He can be the answer to Kassadin. He is a mid laner with massive dmg output from lvl 6 on, and has a great range (or at least that is how Riot describes him), which sounds like something to counter play Kassa. But if this is the truth, then one of 2 things will always happen:
  • A: Kassadin won't be banned anymore. But if one team picks him, the other mid laner would be forced to play Vel'Koz. Which is kinda stupid.
  • B: if one team bans Kassadin, the other team automatically has to ban Vel'Koz, therefore we wil have 2 permabanned champions. Which is again - plain stupid.

I don't think this is the right way.


Common tactics. Someone is OP? Nerf him to solve all the problems. I've seen planned nerfs for Kassadin some time ago, don't know if they tried them. I know for sure they abandoned those nerfs they palnned and changed them - strangely - for buffs!! But nowadays they abandoned them as well. Maybe they realized that nerfing will render him unplayable and boosting him will be a pure act of madness.

Gentle nerfs won't change a thing. Drastic ones will rape him so much, nobody will have to ban him anymore - but that is because nobody will play him.

Again - not viable.


I trully believe only a rework will save this poor little champion. If they keep his ulti, change silence for something else. Or give him a skill shot. Or.. whatever. I didn't play Kassadin so much to be able to tell what to do with him... but then again - there are lots of people who can come up with something good. Or Riot itself. It's their game in the end. So why can't they fix him for such a long time?

I don't get it. One possible reason is, there are too many reworks in que already ( Xerath, Skarner, Shaco and who knows what else... ) and he needs to wait a bit more. But Kassadin has a problem for quite some time and nobody does anything about it.

Why so? What do you think, is the problem with this one and how can it be fixed?