A tidbit I picked up from one of Wickd's VOD reviews. I'll link the video and mark the time he discusses it when I get an opportunity.

Wickd coaching a Jayce. The point about safely pushing two waves is discussed at 14:27.

It is a somewhat specific scenario, but I hadn't heard it before and I consume a lot of league content so if I haven't heard it, others might not have either.

Say the towers are down in Top lane, but you take the Rift Herald. There is an enemy minion wave slightly past the mid point of the river on your side of the map and so you would like to get your minions pushing to the enemy side of the map AND two waves will give you enough gold to hit an item spike.

So how do you get those two waves without having to push too far into enemy territory?

Key Point

You slow push the first wave and then fast push the second wave.

Slow pushing the first wave will allow for the second wave to reach you without you having to overextend into enemy territory.

If you fast push the first wave, you'll have to walk a long way into enemy territory to catch the wave following it.

End Key Point

Obviously, even attempting this is contingent on having enough vision or simply knowing where the enemy team is at due to them being visible on the mini-map otherwise, the risk is probably not worth the reward.

There are other things you could do with this situation.

Perhaps you plan to drop the Rift Herald off in midlane to take a turret in mid after backing and grouping with your team. Then you may simply want to kill off the ranged minions or the melee minions in the first wave and then back to set up a slow push in Top lane to build up a large wave in Top that the enemy will have to respond to while you are sieging in Mid with the Rift Herald.