Doing some musing about how I want to approach the game going forward. I've been two tricking Tryndamere in Top lane and Jhin in the Bot lane. Just normals.

Probably not the best approach. But when I get tired of one lane I can go to a different lane.

In the last 20 games, I'm 4-4 on Tryndamere and 6-1 on Jhin.

Why these champions. Well I think Jhin is thematically one of the best champions Riot has ever produced and Tryndamere was simply because I watch a lot of FoggedFTW and he has builds and match-up guides to help get you going.

But it got me thinking about how match-ups work. When i read, you can start trading with X champion at three items. Wait, what? Yeah you read correctly. Three items. I'm like WTF would you play that match-up if you can avoid it?

Renekton is an example for Tryndamere.

You simply can't do anything in some match-ups until exceeding a certain threshold, which means no lane priority and reliance on your jungler or another lane to accelerate to that threshold. Not, IMO a winning combination for soloqueue.

Now granted I'm not a Challenger Tryndamere main. FoggedFTW eeks out leads against match-ups and game situations that I don't even see, which of course begs the question of is it worth one tricking to the point that you start to see those moments? Does it teach you things about the game that you wouldn't see otherwise and are those things transfereable?

Well, losing against my lane opponent, but they backed and I've shoved the wave. Take enemy jungle camps, ward enemy jungle, flank on Mid? What is the right play?

So far the super irritating match-ups for Tyrndamere I've found are, in no particular order

Singed, Camille, Renekton, Teemo, Senna, Darius, Malphite.

That is a lot of suck and it isn't the only suck you are going to run into. Fortunately most normal players will blindly shove you in over and over so even in the painful match-ups you can still farm given the massive amount of sustain you have with Q and the right runes. But better players are going to freeze on you which means your options are pretty limited for having an impact on the game.

I mean it is good to know don't flipping trade into Darius unless he wastes his grab or you'll die if he is running Ignite for instances when you are counter picked. But really why not find a champion that does a little better into the match-ups that Tryndamere struggles in and at least two trick?

Jhin doesn't have too many ADC match-ups that he has problems with at the moment. I guess we'll see about Aphelios. So really for him it is about the rest of the match-ups, such as that ridiculously fed Wukong who is of a mind to try and delete you every team fight.

That said he really does struggle into tanks. Even one fed Dr. Mundo can make it feel like you do zero damage.

So Jhin would be a case for. All squishies? Jhin. One tank. Eh, Vayne? Tristana? Jinx?

Obviously Bot lane adds a couple of layers of complication. You are squishy and item dependent. And there are more nuances to lane match-ups since you have supports to consider.

Really the goal is to win more games. How do you do that? Know your match-ups inside and out so you can win against opponents that don't know the match-up as well? Or avoid match-ups where your champion has little ability to impact them in a way that accelerates the game in your favor?