This is a relatively complicated medium to high level topic.

If you've got the time watch this VOD review by Wickd of Jax vs a Yorick as he explains some of the thought process around pushing early.

One way to think about it is if you are Top and your jungler starts Bot side then you don't want to push your lane early because your jungler is going to hit level 3 while they are near to your lane.

By holding back on pushing the wave this gives you another tool for setting the course of your lane because it forces the enemy laner to overextend making them a ripe target for a gank.

However if your jungler starts in the top side of the jungler and moves towards bottom side on their jungle clear you may want to push the wave in so you can get a ward in to spot a potential gank from the enemy jungler. If you crash the wave into their tower then you can just wait for it to push back to you knowing you should be reasonably safe from a gank since you have a ward in place.

Junglers if your laners are pushing and your chosen champion is a good duelest then you have the option to invade.

It is a team game so you should all be thinking about how the early laning phase should play out based on the information you have. Going on remote control and mindlessly shoving or mindlessly letting yourself get pushed in here is going to cost you games. Have a plan and refine the plan throughout the course of the game.

E.g. your Bot lane leashes and their Bot lane leashes so they both come to lane late, but you have a Caitlyn and Karma which should be able to outpush most lanes. Bot lane shoves in. Mid and Top need to be careful of a gank. Jungler hovers between Mid and Top taking the scuttle crab and getting vision at one or more of the enemy jungle entrances.

Pro-Tip: if you don't force your jungler to use a ward to cover their jungler at the beginning of the match they will have two trinket ward charges by the time the finish scuttle crab. That means they can cover three points on that side of the river with the inclusion of the scuttle crab. That is a lot of vision that can provide a lot of safety and information for you to plan your next moves.