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Samira Build Guide by Bloodharbor Goth

ADC [12.1] The Samiracord's guide to bug abuse

ADC [12.1] The Samiracord's guide to bug abuse

Updated on February 27, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bloodharbor Goth Build Guide By Bloodharbor Goth 4,272 Views 0 Comments
4,272 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bloodharbor Goth Samira Build Guide By Bloodharbor Goth Updated on February 27, 2022
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[12.1] The Samiracord's guide to bug abuse

By Bloodharbor Goth
In the words of Rem, "If riot doesn't give us buffs we'll make them ourselves". So out of pure boredom, along with @kacper35#2557 on discord, we decided to document a lot of bugs/features from Samira's kit that can not only be applied and be useful in an actual game, but are guaranteed to steal your LP lmao.

I fully intend to update this with more bugs if they ever come along, but don't expect this to not get patched eventually.
To start off, Q
Q has some weird interactions with your R and melee passive

You can ignore it's CD completely if you Q right after the end of your MP animation, everfrost was used for convenience obviously.

Here's a clip of Kaz using it to speed up his leash
But there's obviously more practical uses

Next up, the infamous W animation cancel
If you're clueless, by pressing E you can cancel 90% of Samira's kit lockout, the most practical use being to cancel W's ability and AA lock

Via the combo W > EQ > AA > W2 you get 5 style stacks, meaning that you only need one more AA to finish up the combo. The spacing on this is important, as melee AA's animation is much faster than ranged, the more AS you have the easier this is to perform.

Now for some R exploits, the amount of dumb stuff you can accomplish proves that riot is a very talented company.

First, the most tame one.
If you WR and stand still, you can buffer your Q for when R ends

If you noticed on the left, the Q CD starts during the R animation, and it comes back up right after R finishes, so you can effectively Q twice.

Another somewhat tame one is cancelling the animation lockout with E, allowing you to AA during R. Once again, this is easier with melee AAs, or more AS.

Here's 2 examples of the E animation lock cancel with something that isn't AAs
Normally, the only Mythic you can use during R is galeforce.
But, with the power of Spaguetti code, you can use all of them, if you use E before them

I tested with Prowler's and Goredrinker but take my word for it that Stridebreaker and Everfrost work too

Last of the ultimate shenanigans, you can Q during R in this very wonky animation if you R during MP. You can't W in this state as far as we know.

Last but not least we have some more niche/generic bugs to show

Collector's execute grants Samira 2 passive stacks, atleast on practice tool, as far as we know this only happens if the collector execute is what actually gets the kill, and only grants 1 stack. Probably needs further testing.

As of patch 12.3, collector no longer grants style stacks, therefore, stop building this dog**** item kekw

And finally, Kaz wanted me to show that P stacks get deleted after your R, since the stacks don't refresh after ulting minions or monsters, any that you gather during R itself just vanish, not to mention that R itself also grants stacks if you have none.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bloodharbor Goth
Bloodharbor Goth Samira Guide
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[12.1] The Samiracord's guide to bug abuse

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