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Kayn Build Guide by KebabGames

Jungle [12.21] Guide to Kayn, the Shadow Reaper (Red and Blue)

Jungle [12.21] Guide to Kayn, the Shadow Reaper (Red and Blue)

Updated on November 2, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KebabGames Build Guide By KebabGames 2768 180 4,139,134 Views 25 Comments
2768 180 4,139,134 Views 25 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KebabGames Kayn Build Guide By KebabGames Updated on November 2, 2022
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KillinInstinct | August 2, 2022 5:32am
I like the build that is shown here for blue kayn, makes me deal way more damage than with the eclipse build I usually ran.
I have quite some playtime with Kayn myself but was wondering something about your last point about being behind. Is picking Rhaast when behind still viable even with blue Kayn runes and already bought blue Kayn itemization?
KebabGames (1) | August 11, 2022 7:41am
That's a solid question. I'd say if you are way too much behind, then picking Rhaast might be a good choice considering you'll have a knockup and act like a frontline for your team. In some cases when your team needs more damage and or an assassin, blue Kayn might be the answer although that form is incredibly weak when playing from behind.
Hope that answers your question in some way, and sorry for the late response. Wish you the best of luck!
Zero_drk | May 1, 2022 8:25pm
I have kayn in my account and never played pvp for real with him, thinking of using this build when I do!
KebabGames (1) | June 14, 2022 6:45am
Ain't that swell! Wish you the best of luck!
snowyyii | April 7, 2022 8:53am
how do you go purple kayn? just wondering
KebabGames (1) | June 14, 2022 6:41am
I'm so sorry for not answering your question. I updated the guide just for you! Hope it helps B)
7EyesNoSkills (3) | June 9, 2022 2:49pm
What do you mean with purple? Blue and Red mixed?
KebabGames (1) | June 14, 2022 6:44am
Sorry for not clarifying! Yes, it's when you go Red form but build more damage instead of the usual build. I have updated the guide where you can find more information about how you go that build. Hope you have a great summer!
/KebabGames B)
Deathsmonkey | April 6, 2022 5:12am
this guide got me into kayn. so thanks!
KebabGames (1) | April 19, 2022 1:30am
Much appreciated!!
zuzuzu09 | March 19, 2022 7:05am
KebabGames (1) | March 22, 2022 6:12am
Glad it helped ;)
Ichor4 | March 17, 2022 5:58am
Do u think Revitalize secondary is better than Ravenous on Rhaast?
KebabGames (1) | April 3, 2022 10:28am
Hey again!
Now that Ravenous is gone I'd recommend Revitalize and Conditioning for the secondary tree. Hope you have a great weekend!
KebabGames (1) | March 18, 2022 7:44am
I would say it is definitely a great rune on Rhaast. There's probably someone who has done the math on which one is better, but they are both good. Ravenous has been nerfed a lot which gives the opportunity for other runes. The only bad thing with Resolve secondary is that there isn't really another rune from that tree that is great. You could go Conditioning which makes you a bit tankier, but you don't buy much defensive stats in the early game which means you don't get a lot of value from it.
Hope this answered your question, and have a good weekend!!
Calggarax | February 11, 2022 1:08am
Are you kidding me? how are you not recommending Lich Bane as a viable item to purchase? By far the most irrelevant and incomplete guide.
KebabGames (1) | February 17, 2022 2:27am
Oh how unforunate. I am truely sorry for not reaching your expectations, sir! I will do my best to reach that goal in the near future!
Have a great weekend!
RiddlerReed | January 24, 2022 3:40am
Thanks for the guide, I played recently Kayn and really liked it. I'll give it a try to take him as main.
KebabGames (1) | January 24, 2022 8:44am
Ain't that swell! Wish you the best of luck with your future games!
sett-so | November 5, 2021 8:03pm
very detailed
GnarYouMadBro | September 10, 2021 3:58am
Outdated Guide
Ubenwarf (1) | February 21, 2020 7:34pm
Hey, first of all, thanks a ton for the guide, it has been amazing while I learn Kayn. I have a couple questions. How long should one be farming as Kayn? and when should I invade? and then I just wanted to know what you would say about building trinity force/ lich bane in to blue and or red for the spellblade passive?
KebabGames (1) | March 16, 2020 3:59pm
Hey, thanks a lot for the support. Usually i try not to farm way too much while I'm playing kayn because of his passive and the importance to help the other lanes. If there aren't any gankable lanes, then I would recommend farming for your power spikes. Invade is about knowledge of where the enemy jungler is on the map. If you are playing against a champ that struggles clearing raptors or just go for the lvl 3 rush gank (warwick for example), then it is almost free to counterjungle. Same goes if the enemy jungler is spotted on the opposite map, then go for it.
Trinity force works on kayn, but I think it is too expensive of an item. The attack speed isn't that useful since you use your spells the most, it gives less hp and damage. Therefor i prefer going black cleaver. As for lich bane, nah. Nothing scales on ap. The effect it self is good, but as an assassin, you mostly buy damage, armor penetration, etc. As rhaast, maybe, I personally think black cleaver works better.
SteveBapanda (1) | May 13, 2019 2:11am
I've always struggled with Kayn, but with the scuttle changes and the adjustments to his blue form, I'm going to give him a try again. Thanks for the guide and advice :)
KebabGames (1) | May 13, 2019 9:15am
No problem and good luck with your games!
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[12.21] Guide to Kayn, the Shadow Reaper (Red and Blue)

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