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Twisted Fate Build Guide by Sugenrift

ADC (14.3) Win every game with AD-ealer Poker Twisted Fate|ADC,SUP,MID|

ADC (14.3) Win every game with AD-ealer Poker Twisted Fate|ADC,SUP,MID|

Updated on February 16, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sugenrift Build Guide By Sugenrift 13 1 37,934 Views 2 Comments
13 1 37,934 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sugenrift Twisted Fate Build Guide By Sugenrift Updated on February 16, 2024
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1 2
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Minion Dematerializer
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
Royal flush
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

(14.3) Win every game with AD-ealer Poker Twisted Fate|ADC,SUP,MID|

By Sugenrift
Twisted Poker
Dive into the heart of the game with Twisted Fate, the cardsharp extraordinaire, and let's shuffle through an item build that's all-in on the poker table of the Summoner's Rift. This build isn't just about playing your cards right; it's about making sure the house always wins, with you as the dealer.

Why did Twisted Fate choose Kraken Slayer? Because dealing true damage every third hit is like cheating at cards, without ever getting caught!"

1. Kraken Slayer: Kick off your gambit with Kraken Slayer, because who said every third card couldn't be a wild card? Unleash true damage on your foes as if revealing a hidden ace every third strike, slicing through their defenses with the precision of a shark cutting through water. It's not just an item; it's your declaration that this game is yours to win.

Why does Twisted Fate wear Berserker's Greaves? Because in the game of cards and combat, slow dancing is strictly off-limits.

2. Berserker's Greaves: Slip into Berserker's Greaves to keep your footwork as sharp as your wit. Speed around the battlefield with the grace of a card flick, leaving opponents dizzy and confused. It's the equivalent of shuffling the deck so fast, the enemy can't keep track of the queen.

Twisted Fate and Guinsoo's Rageblade walk into a bar... and the attack speed is so insane, the bartender serves them drinks in double time!

3. Guinsoo's Rageblade: Next on the deck is Guinsoo's Rageblade, turning every skirmish into a flurry of attacks that stack up faster than the bets on a high-stake poker night. It's like dealing a hand so fast, your enemies are still calculating the odds while they're being sent back to base.

Why does Twisted Fate love the Blade of the Ruined King? Because nothing complements a sharp suit like an even sharper blade.

4. Blade of the Ruined King: With the Blade of the Ruined King, you're not just playing cards; you're playing with the very essence of your foes. This item slices through health bars like a hot knife through butter, or in this case, like a royal flush against a pair of twos.

Twisted Fate with Terminus is like a magician at a party—except the trick is making his enemies disappear through the nearest exit!

5. Terminus: Cap off your build with Terminus, embodying the bendiness to whip your enemies into shape—or rather, out of the window. It's the grand finale, the showstopper, the moment the magician reveals his trick and the crowd goes wild, except the trick is a devastating whip crack across the Rift.

Why does Twisted Fate bring an Immortal Shieldbow to a poker game? Because nothing says 'I'm not leaving this table' quite like a comeback that has everyone else wishing they'd folded earlier!

6. Immortal Shieldbow: Step up your game with the Immortal Shieldbow, because every card player knows you need an ace in the hole for those close calls. This item isn't just your safety net; it's your bold declaration that you're all in, even when your chips are down. As your health dips, watch as the Shieldbow springs into action, granting you a lifeline that turns the tide of battle. It's like pulling a full house out of nowhere – just when your opponents thought they had the upper hand.

As you venture through the twists and turns of Summoner's Rift with Twisted Fate, armed with this build that's as cunning and unpredictable as a high-stakes poker game, remember that the true essence of your power lies not just in the items you wield, but in the strategy and finesse with which you play your hand. The Kraken Slayer for that undeniable strike of truth, Berserker's Greaves for the agility to outmaneuver your foes, Guinsoo's Rageblade to keep the pressure relentless, Blade of the Ruined King to cut through the toughest of opponents, and Terminus for that final, whip-cracking flourish—each item is a card in your deck, waiting to be played at the perfect moment.

But beyond the items, the true art of Twisted Fate lies in the bluff, the bait, the swift hand that turns a losing game into a victory. It's about reading your opponents, predicting their moves, and always being two steps ahead. With every step, every card thrown, and every enemy outplayed, you're not just playing League of Legends; you're orchestrating a symphony of strategy and power, where each move is a note and every item is an instrument.

So shuffle your deck, keep your eyes on the prize, and let the game begin. The Rift is your casino, and with this build, you're the high roller sitting at the high stakes table. Whether it's a daring gank, a strategic split push, or a game-changing team fight, you're equipped to turn the tides in your favor. And when the dust settles and the enemy nexus falls, they'll remember the name Twisted Fate not just as a champion, but as the master cardsharp who played the game of his life.

Remember, in the grand casino of League of Legends, the house always wins—and with Twisted Fate and this build, you are the house. So, embrace the thrill, the strategy, and the sheer joy of outplaying your opponents. Be bold, be cunning, and above all, be unstoppable. The Rift is yours for the taking, and the game is yours to win. Let's make every match a story worth telling, a gamble worth taking, and a victory worth every card in the deck.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sugenrift
Sugenrift Twisted Fate Guide
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