She will not let you even begin to play. If you play against Caitlyn, you will hit your powerspikes too late to do anything.
Zeri can straight up bully you out of the game.
Her Auto Attacks don't do any damage, so your ult is useless against her. Her Q range is very high, her mobility far exceeds yours and her poke is also fairly strong.
The only advantage you have over her is that you can shield her Ultrashock Laser, but that's about it. Try to CC her and let the rest of your team take care of her.
Same reason as Caitlyn. His range is just too high to do anything. Plus, he is one of the only adcs in the game that can hard-cc you with no set-up.
If you face him, wait until his long range weapons are on cooldown, then call for a gank.
Incredibly annoying with his long range poke but if you get lane priority, he won't have as many angles to poke you from.
Your support needs to be on board with it.
One reason this matchup is hard is because Lucian relies on casting abilities to do damage. If you hit him with your ult, he will not do full damage against his teammates.
The other is that he is very aggressive in lane. With Nami, he can do whatever he wants, and your weak early will not be able to stop him.
His burst is high, but you will be able to see him coming. Don't let him kill you, hit him with your Q before he can engage and you'll be fine.
Draven's biggest weakness is that the people who play him are over-confident bastards who will towerdive you at any opportunity. Use your Q and W to punish them if they do.
Ashe outranges you which does counter you pretty hard.
However, if you are able to hold your ground until level 6, the tables turn as you can use her Auto Attack based playstyle against her with your ult. It's a skill matchup.
He may have high range and high damage but his early is weak in comparison to the other threats.
You can shield most of his skillshots so you'll be relatively safe. His Late Game is terrifying, which is why your ult works wonders against him.
Just don't let him get too ahead in lane.
Miss Fortune
Another Spellcasting ADC, so your ult doesn't reach its full potential against her.
You can shield her Q and E, cancel her R with your Handshake, but in general you'll never completely dominate her at any point.
She can wind-wall your ult, but you can stop her from going All-In with your disengage tools.
Your ultimate isn't as useful to make her deal damage to her teammates, but if you can hit both her and someone else with it, she will not be able to use her defensive tools.
That being said, she deals a fuckton of burst damage, so try to stay away from her.
This is a skill matchup.
You can catch her mid-jump with your Q, you can shield her bombs and ult her when she raises her attack speed.
She gets a reset on her jump, even if you are in your W, and she can end the fight whenever she wants with Ult, which gives you and your teammates no opportunity to chase her down.
Varus is a strong auto attacker no matter what he builds and he has no built-in cleanses, so he's technically not a big threat.
However, he has good poke and his ult is deadly. Pure Skill Matchup.
Her abilities are telegraphed, allowing you enough time to cast E to protect yourself.
She can dodge your ult with her R, but her low range and bad early, as well as her vulnerability to your ult make this a skill matchup.
One advantage you do have over her though is that her high damage in the late game can quickly kill her own team.
Jinx is practically defenseless against you in the late game. If she gets a takedown and you hit her with your ult, she will kill her own team with her bonus attack speed.
That being said, she is a threat in the mid game if she beat you during laning.
Her range is very low, so laning against her will be quite comfortable. You can cancel her All-Ins with your Q, so hitting it is vital here. If I'm not mistaken, your passive will proc through her Veil, so she can't defend herself against your main damage.
She has no tools to get out of your ultimate, so because of her high damage, she'll be the biggest threat to her team.
Vayne's range is naturally low and her whole damage is in her Auto Attacks, so your ult can reach its full potential.
Her early game is bad so she won't take you out of the game unless she is simply better than you.
In an even teamfight, you will always win.
I can't say anything about this, I've never played against a Kalista before. But I imagine if she ults you can get your ult off on her support for free.
[SUPP] Morgana will try to zone you away from your wave, and due to her being ranged, it's harder to punish her.
If she succeeds, pray that your jungler ganks you or that your support is a god because once the minion waves hit your tower, you're pretty much out of the game.
In general, everything that can zone you under your own tower is permaban material for you.
Similarly to Morgana, he can zone you without being punished because his Q outranges any of your abilities.
Low range so you can easily bully him out of lane. You can disengage with Q when he jumps on you, and his engages are usually predictable. Bait out his Windwall then ult him when he tries to ult. The steroid he gets after his ult makes him a bigger threat to his own team than to yours
Every time I see a champion on the enemy team whose passive procs over Auto Attacks, a tear of joy runs down my face.
Braum and Sejuani are the worst offenders as they will quite literally CC-Chain their own team if you hit them with your ult, and also because they are tanks that melt away under your fire.
Xayah is overall kind of disgusting.
Her feathers can zone you well with threat of hard CC on a basic ability, which is something that only four other bot laners have: Aphelios, Senna, Seraphine and You. Also, her ultimate can be cast easily to avoid your ultimate, which means unless you bait it out, you have no ultimate.
Seraphine has many advantages against you. Long range, good poke, hard CC and good synergy with her supports. A good Seraphine will not let you get in range to trade with you, but she is not infallible. Unlike you, Seraphine doesn't have DPS, meaning you can out-damage her in the late game. Just be mindful of your positioning.
Renata Glasc
Renata is Renata's best friend.
Yes, OfA Renata can proc her ally Renata's passives.
Brand can easily push waves and pressure enemies while having a stun which synergizes well with your Q.
Additionally, in patch 14.2, Brand's Passive DoT got its tick speed increased by a lot. It will never fail to proc your passive.
His Passive synergizes with your passive.
His W constantly procs your passive.
He has good engage and CC, allowing for super easy follow-up.
Additionally, he can rush Abyssal Mask, which is the best item for you.
This is one of your best synergies in the entire game.
Karthus can very easily get you lane priority with his Q early on, which already helps you a lot.
His W shreds the enemy Magic Resists to allow you to deal good damage even against tanks who itemize against you.
But the real kicker is his E damage over time which procs your passive very quickly, allowing you to pick Lethal Tempo.
If your supp picks Karthus, tell him to build primarily tank items instead of AP so he can keep his E on your target more reliably.
And even if you have an AP Karthus jungle, your his ult will occasionally give you a chance to fight solo if he builds Blackfire Torch or Liandry's Anguish.
The reason Pantheon is in this tier is because his early game is so strong that any cheese all-ins you make early will work out.
He can follow up on your Qs and vice versa, his Aegis Assault instantly procs your passive and his strongest point is when you are at your weakest, so he'll be able to protect you.
Milio is an interesting one.
His Passive was recently changed to count as his damage when he shields you, so you may be able to Auto Attack freely if he enchants you, which would be the dream. That coupled with his extra range over Bonfire should make teamfights extremely rewarding for both of you.
Ivern's W passive counts as his damage, so as long as you are in a bush and Ivern is nearby, you can auto attack freely and get your Passive procced automatically. This is the only champion in the game that can do this without any effort put in on his side, because even Milio has to consistently keep his passive on you.
The only downside is that this makes you extremely predictable as your enemy can see where you need to go to keep your damage uptime.
Patch 13.21 made it so Lulu's E counts towards her damage and not yours, so whenever Lulu uses that ability on you, you can automatically proc your passive yourself.
Apart from that, she is an amazing support in general, which gives this a solid 5.
Seraphine is a good synergy because your E upgrades both her Shield and Slow at the same time so she will constantly have all of her abilities empowered by you.
The only thing you need to keep in mind is that your Seraphine will need to know what she is doing to make this work, which automatically makes this synergy less than ideal.
Senna is good for the same reason Ashe is. You can easily get lane priority with her. Senna can deal DPS, she has good utility and just overall synergizes with you.
The only thing that keeps her from being top tier is that Senna players usually build Lethality instead of Attack Speed and also prefer to play passively, which is not what you need.
Ashe theoretically is a very good synergy for you. You both have similar playstyles and she can easily win you lane priority.
The only thing that keeps her from being an ideal synergy is that most people who play Ashe Supp are just gonna be the W Bot, and that is NOT what you need.
Alistar has good peel and his engage lets him stay on top of the enemy, which lets you auto attack freely.
On top of that, as a tank, he can build Abyssal Mask, which will make both of you deal even more damage.
Leona in general is a very good support for the same reason as Alistar, but she will need to auto attack a lot for this to work.
Morgana has the potential to be your best friend. Her Q + W combo can let you get your damage off for free and she can also push waves very easily. Your combined utility is enough to carry the whole team, so you can work well as an extremely gankable bot lane.
Nautilus is good for the same reason as Leona and Alistar. His lockdown will allow you to do whatever you want, your Qs are both hooks so any catch he makes gives your team another free follow up. He can build Abyssal Mask and has a small burn on his E so he's got pretty much all you need. The only downside is that he struggles with getting lane prio against poke heavy comps.
Swain technically works pretty well.
He can follow up on your hooks and use his Q to gain Lane Priority, he's got a strong all in through his R which you can make even stronger by using your W on him, and his R is damage over time which lets you auto attack freely. The only downside is that you need to wait until level 6 to use that strategy to the fullest.
The reason Zyra is in here despite being a pure mage is because she has her plants, which proc your passive, and she automatically pushes the wave wherever she goes. Laning will be comfortable for that reason.
The downside to her Plants is that they don't move with her, so the enemy can technically end any fight by just walking away.
Nami used to be an OK Synergy until patch 13.21. Now, her E can proc your passive as you apply it, but it is very wonky, so you'll only be able to proc marks that were already applied with it. Until Riot fixes this, Nami will not be an Ideal synergy.
But she is still strong with you as she's got good Utility and your Ultimates match pretty well.
Yuumi is interesting. On one hand, she does not give you good chances to establish lane Priority, which you will need as Renata. On the other hand, Yuumi gives you bonus On-Hit effects which supplement your playstyle. Yuumi's Q Best Friend bonus should proc your passive, but last time I checked, that interaction was bugged and didn't work.
However, as of this patch, Liandry's Anguish procs Renata's passive again, which may be an oversight by the developers, but that means you can abuse Renata Yuumi again.
Blitz is all around a good support, but he doesn't have any specific synergies with Renata.
Braum's passive synergizes with your playstyle, but he can't proc your passive unless he over-commits.
He is a warden with no gap closer, so you won't get much value out of him in lane.
Janna's disengate works well to help protect you which lets you farm safely, but she does not have the right tools to properly support you in teamfights unless the one playing her is a madman.
Miss Fortune
This one depends entirely on how good the Miss Fortune is.
Technically she should be a great fit because she has a relatively active playstyle and also has Damage Over Time, but most people who play Support Miss Fortune just sit in the backline and occasionally press E, which will not get you very far...
Rakan is a fine pick because he can sustain you and has good engage and lockdown. There are better options but he works too.
Pyke should technically be a good support for you since he's got his hook, good dps and lockdown, but since he's an assassin, his all-ins have to end quickly or he becomes useless.
Sona is an OK Synergy, She's a decent stat battery with good healing, capable of giving your weak early game a fighting chance in poke-heavy lanes.
Taric is a good fit for you on paper. You both have very good utility and Taric wants to go ham on the enemy, which procs your passive.
The problem with this is his lack of range and mobility. Laning Phase with Taric will be tough.
This is pure cheese.
Zilean does not have any inherent synergies with you. He's bursty and buffs mostly only your Movement Speed, which isn't that great.
However, the thing that saves him from the lower tiers is the fact that you both have revives in your kit. That alone can carry teamfights if you coordinate it right.
Pretty much same as Rakan, but I'd argue Thresh synergizes a little less with you. Still, solid pick, I guess.
Bard will need to leave you alone a lot, which is the exact opposite of what you need in a support. The only thing you have in common is that you both use your auto attacks, so you'll at least synergize in fights a little.
Soraka does not have the right tools to support you in the way you need. She is a good support generally, but unless she is just flat out better than her opponent, you'll have a hard time with her.
Just like with Karma and Lux, AP Mages are not good supports for you. The only redeeming quality this Tentacle Monster has is that he has just so many damaging abilities that, if he dumps them all in a row, he may be able to match your dps, which would make him an alright pick.
Supports that rely on Burst Damage do not work well for you. Karma is a great chamion, but you need something that deals consistent damage first and foremost.
Just like Karma, Lux is too bursty.
Full AP Mage supports really don't synergize with Renata unless they have Damage Over Time.
...ok maybe.
Refer to Karma and Lux.
[TOP] A Darius Top on your team is a free win. His Passive applies DoT and your W makes him unstoppable.
Aurelion Sol
[MID] Asol Mid has multiple abilities that deal damage over time and restrict enemy movement. Goods synergy.
[JGL] Briar's aggressive playstyle and DoT on her passive make her a good jungler for you. You can supplement her biggest weaknesses with your W, so she'll like having you around too.
[TOP] A Garen top is good for the same reason why Darius top is so good. Garen just sticks to your enemy and presses E, the rest is history.
[TOP] Jax is great for you for the same reason as Darius is. Your W makes him unstoppable and he'll match your DPS with his.
[JGL] Lillia's passive can apply Damage over Time to multiple enemies, so you'll have very comfortable teamfights.
Master Yi
[JGL] Master Yi is just Master Yi. Put your W on him and he'll pretty much play the game on his own.
[TOP] Mordekaisers biggest weakness is his lack of mobility, so if you W him, he'll easily activate his passive and you can freely play using him as a meat shield. He's like Amumu in this regard.
Rell is good as a support for you specifically because she can reduce the enemy's magic resist as well as pull the enemy team close to her with her ult, which enables you to follow up with yours.
Teemo's damage over time is very good for you, and his playstyle necessitates constantly applying it. The only downside is that you both lack range and reliable cc.
Twitch is a special pick because he's just so good with you, it practically doesn't matter who plays support and who plays carry. You guys will have so much damage from early to late that the rest of your team can just pick 3 tanks and literally nothing would change.
[TOP] Vayne's W deals max hp true damage. Your Passive deals max hp magic damage. If you both coordinate your attacks, you'll kill anything in a matter of seconds.
[MID] Varus and Renata have similar playstyles. This means that you play into each others strengths, but it also means that you don't cover each others' weaknesses. Unlike, Vayne, Varus does not have mobility and no point and click disengage, so you will struggle marginably more together unless your teammates are also present.
Heimerdinger is a pretty neat source of DPS and has CC to complement the lack of mobility on his turrets as well. Good zoning. Though, it's hit or miss if your Heimerdinger knows what he's doing.
Renata Glasc
Renata is Renata's best friend.
Yes, OfA Renata can proc her ally Renata's passives.
Brand can easily push waves and pressure enemies while having a stun which synergizes well with your Q.
Additionally, in patch 14.2, Brand's Passive DoT got its tick speed increased by a lot. It will never fail to proc your passive.
His Passive synergizes with your passive.
His W constantly procs your passive.
He has good engage and CC, allowing for super easy follow-up.
Additionally, he can rush Abyssal Mask, which is the best item for you.
This is one of your best synergies in the entire game.
Karthus can very easily get you lane priority with his Q early on, which already helps you a lot.
His W shreds the enemy Magic Resists to allow you to deal good damage even against tanks who itemize against you.
But the real kicker is his E damage over time which procs your passive very quickly, allowing you to pick Lethal Tempo.
If your supp picks Karthus, tell him to build primarily tank items instead of AP so he can keep his E on your target more reliably.
And even if you have an AP Karthus jungle, your his ult will occasionally give you a chance to fight solo if he builds Blackfire Torch or Liandry's Anguish.
The reason Pantheon is in this tier is because his early game is so strong that any cheese all-ins you make early will work out.
He can follow up on your Qs and vice versa, his Aegis Assault instantly procs your passive and his strongest point is when you are at your weakest, so he'll be able to protect you.
Milio is an interesting one.
His Passive was recently changed to count as his damage when he shields you, so you may be able to Auto Attack freely if he enchants you, which would be the dream. That coupled with his extra range over Bonfire should make teamfights extremely rewarding for both of you.
Ivern's W passive counts as his damage, so as long as you are in a bush and Ivern is nearby, you can auto attack freely and get your Passive procced automatically. This is the only champion in the game that can do this without any effort put in on his side, because even Milio has to consistently keep his passive on you.
The only downside is that this makes you extremely predictable as your enemy can see where you need to go to keep your damage uptime.
Patch 13.21 made it so Lulu's E counts towards her damage and not yours, so whenever Lulu uses that ability on you, you can automatically proc your passive yourself.
Apart from that, she is an amazing support in general, which gives this a solid 5.
Seraphine is a good synergy because your E upgrades both her Shield and Slow at the same time so she will constantly have all of her abilities empowered by you.
The only thing you need to keep in mind is that your Seraphine will need to know what she is doing to make this work, which automatically makes this synergy less than ideal.
Senna is good for the same reason Ashe is. You can easily get lane priority with her. Senna can deal DPS, she has good utility and just overall synergizes with you.
The only thing that keeps her from being top tier is that Senna players usually build Lethality instead of Attack Speed and also prefer to play passively, which is not what you need.
Ashe theoretically is a very good synergy for you. You both have similar playstyles and she can easily win you lane priority.
The only thing that keeps her from being an ideal synergy is that most people who play Ashe Supp are just gonna be the W Bot, and that is NOT what you need.
Alistar has good peel and his engage lets him stay on top of the enemy, which lets you auto attack freely.
On top of that, as a tank, he can build Abyssal Mask, which will make both of you deal even more damage.
Leona in general is a very good support for the same reason as Alistar, but she will need to auto attack a lot for this to work.
Morgana has the potential to be your best friend. Her Q + W combo can let you get your damage off for free and she can also push waves very easily. Your combined utility is enough to carry the whole team, so you can work well as an extremely gankable bot lane.
Nautilus is good for the same reason as Leona and Alistar. His lockdown will allow you to do whatever you want, your Qs are both hooks so any catch he makes gives your team another free follow up. He can build Abyssal Mask and has a small burn on his E so he's got pretty much all you need. The only downside is that he struggles with getting lane prio against poke heavy comps.
Swain technically works pretty well.
He can follow up on your hooks and use his Q to gain Lane Priority, he's got a strong all in through his R which you can make even stronger by using your W on him, and his R is damage over time which lets you auto attack freely. The only downside is that you need to wait until level 6 to use that strategy to the fullest.
The reason Zyra is in here despite being a pure mage is because she has her plants, which proc your passive, and she automatically pushes the wave wherever she goes. Laning will be comfortable for that reason.
The downside to her Plants is that they don't move with her, so the enemy can technically end any fight by just walking away.
Nami used to be an OK Synergy until patch 13.21. Now, her E can proc your passive as you apply it, but it is very wonky, so you'll only be able to proc marks that were already applied with it. Until Riot fixes this, Nami will not be an Ideal synergy.
But she is still strong with you as she's got good Utility and your Ultimates match pretty well.
Yuumi is interesting. On one hand, she does not give you good chances to establish lane Priority, which you will need as Renata. On the other hand, Yuumi gives you bonus On-Hit effects which supplement your playstyle. Yuumi's Q Best Friend bonus should proc your passive, but last time I checked, that interaction was bugged and didn't work.
However, as of this patch, Liandry's Anguish procs Renata's passive again, which may be an oversight by the developers, but that means you can abuse Renata Yuumi again.
Blitz is all around a good support, but he doesn't have any specific synergies with Renata.
Braum's passive synergizes with your playstyle, but he can't proc your passive unless he over-commits.
He is a warden with no gap closer, so you won't get much value out of him in lane.
Janna's disengate works well to help protect you which lets you farm safely, but she does not have the right tools to properly support you in teamfights unless the one playing her is a madman.
Miss Fortune
This one depends entirely on how good the Miss Fortune is.
Technically she should be a great fit because she has a relatively active playstyle and also has Damage Over Time, but most people who play Support Miss Fortune just sit in the backline and occasionally press E, which will not get you very far...
Rakan is a fine pick because he can sustain you and has good engage and lockdown. There are better options but he works too.
Pyke should technically be a good support for you since he's got his hook, good dps and lockdown, but since he's an assassin, his all-ins have to end quickly or he becomes useless.
Sona is an OK Synergy, She's a decent stat battery with good healing, capable of giving your weak early game a fighting chance in poke-heavy lanes.
Taric is a good fit for you on paper. You both have very good utility and Taric wants to go ham on the enemy, which procs your passive.
The problem with this is his lack of range and mobility. Laning Phase with Taric will be tough.
This is pure cheese.
Zilean does not have any inherent synergies with you. He's bursty and buffs mostly only your Movement Speed, which isn't that great.
However, the thing that saves him from the lower tiers is the fact that you both have revives in your kit. That alone can carry teamfights if you coordinate it right.
Pretty much same as Rakan, but I'd argue Thresh synergizes a little less with you. Still, solid pick, I guess.
Bard will need to leave you alone a lot, which is the exact opposite of what you need in a support. The only thing you have in common is that you both use your auto attacks, so you'll at least synergize in fights a little.
Soraka does not have the right tools to support you in the way you need. She is a good support generally, but unless she is just flat out better than her opponent, you'll have a hard time with her.
Just like with Karma and Lux, AP Mages are not good supports for you. The only redeeming quality this Tentacle Monster has is that he has just so many damaging abilities that, if he dumps them all in a row, he may be able to match your dps, which would make him an alright pick.
Supports that rely on Burst Damage do not work well for you. Karma is a great chamion, but you need something that deals consistent damage first and foremost.
Just like Karma, Lux is too bursty.
Full AP Mage supports really don't synergize with Renata unless they have Damage Over Time.
...ok maybe.
Refer to Karma and Lux.
[TOP] A Darius Top on your team is a free win. His Passive applies DoT and your W makes him unstoppable.
Aurelion Sol
[MID] Asol Mid has multiple abilities that deal damage over time and restrict enemy movement. Goods synergy.
[JGL] Briar's aggressive playstyle and DoT on her passive make her a good jungler for you. You can supplement her biggest weaknesses with your W, so she'll like having you around too.
[TOP] A Garen top is good for the same reason why Darius top is so good. Garen just sticks to your enemy and presses E, the rest is history.
[TOP] Jax is great for you for the same reason as Darius is. Your W makes him unstoppable and he'll match your DPS with his.
[JGL] Lillia's passive can apply Damage over Time to multiple enemies, so you'll have very comfortable teamfights.
Master Yi
[JGL] Master Yi is just Master Yi. Put your W on him and he'll pretty much play the game on his own.
[TOP] Mordekaisers biggest weakness is his lack of mobility, so if you W him, he'll easily activate his passive and you can freely play using him as a meat shield. He's like Amumu in this regard.
Rell is good as a support for you specifically because she can reduce the enemy's magic resist as well as pull the enemy team close to her with her ult, which enables you to follow up with yours.
Teemo's damage over time is very good for you, and his playstyle necessitates constantly applying it. The only downside is that you both lack range and reliable cc.
Twitch is a special pick because he's just so good with you, it practically doesn't matter who plays support and who plays carry. You guys will have so much damage from early to late that the rest of your team can just pick 3 tanks and literally nothing would change.
[TOP] Vayne's W deals max hp true damage. Your Passive deals max hp magic damage. If you both coordinate your attacks, you'll kill anything in a matter of seconds.
[MID] Varus and Renata have similar playstyles. This means that you play into each others strengths, but it also means that you don't cover each others' weaknesses. Unlike, Vayne, Varus does not have mobility and no point and click disengage, so you will struggle marginably more together unless your teammates are also present.
Heimerdinger is a pretty neat source of DPS and has CC to complement the lack of mobility on his turrets as well. Good zoning. Though, it's hit or miss if your Heimerdinger knows what he's doing.
To use this build, you should already know how to play Renata Glasc.
This is not a guide on how to play Renata Glasc. It's a guide on how to use Renata Glasc as a Bot Lane Carry.
Only follow this guide if already you know how to play Renata Glasc.
What is this build?
I know what you're thinking already. "This delusional idiot on the internet wants you to play AP Renata and troll your team."
And you are.... 1/5th right with that statement. The only trolling you'll do is that you will be trolling the enemy team when you kill their tanks like a Kai'sa while making their actual Kai'sa kill her own support.
The goal of this build is to exploit the AP scaling on your Leverage Passive to become a max health damage dealing marksman-enchanter hybrid who can carry teamfights through utility AND damage. And you would be surprised how effective you can be with that. I mean, just look at your numbers!
But why ADC?
For this build to work, you need a lot of gold and an ally who babysits you.
You get both of these things as an ADC
Furthermore, your playsyle is going to be the same as any other marksman, because your passive, which applies on auto-attacks, is your main damage.
When you play AP Renata, you function like a more self-peel oriented ADC. You have a two self-peeling basic abilities and an attack speed and movement speed steroid that you can use on yourself.
Your Passive AP Ratios are comparable to AP Varus, which becomes apparent when you hit full build. In teamfights, you can melt tanks as if they weren't even there, which makes you an excellent front-to-back teamfighter.
In addition to bringing a lot of damage to teamfights, you also have the utility of a support, being able to AoE Shield and give anyone a second chance in a fight through your W. Your Q should be immediately recasted unless absolutely necessary, because hitting the Q will lock you out of auto-attacking, which is not something you should be aiming for as APC.
Lastly, as Renata Bot, you have a lot of synergies with other supports that traditional Marksmen and even Mages don't have.
You are able to stack your shields on top of enchanters, empower certain ally abilities, out-sustain your opponents, follow up on ally hooks with your own, the list goes on.
Your ultimate is slow, but if you couple it with another ultimate like Seraphines or Namis, your R becomes utterly unavoidable.
This playstyle has its own unique challenges, but most of its issues slowly disappeared over the last couple of changes, actually. Let me detail it this way:
Firstly, your minion damage is pretty bad before your first back. Until you rush a Pickaxe, you don't deal enough damage to minions to reliably farm under tower, and your E has a high cooldown, so you need to be mindful when you use it.
Another downside is that you are chained to at least one teammate. This pick is not supposed to fight by yourself as you can not proc your passive on your own. As a consequence, 1v1 fights are next to impossible.
Lastly, you are both immobile and lack sustain. Your runes and items don't offer ways to sustain yourself, so you'll need to find it from other sources.
Tips, Tricks and General Advice
Over the course of the game, you'll encouner a few peculiarities of this playstyle.
Despite the weird picks and the weird items, your playstyle is the same as that of a traditional marksman. Your support may get funny ideas of what kind of things you need, but they are wrong. They just simply need to play as if they played with a normal adc, and it'll work out just fine.
Unless you are way behind in farm, you will want to stick to your team like a piece of gum. You are practically useless in 1v1s, so only split off from your team if there is easy gold to be farmed, then immediately join them again.
If you have any allies with built in Damage Over Time, these will be your highest priority. DoT instantly procs your passive. Additionally, Ivern, Lulu and Milio can instantly proc your passive, as some of their abilities apply from your Auto-Attacks. IMPORTANT NOTE: Renata's Passive can sometimes be procced by ally item effects, but this changes from patch to patch, so it's extremely hard to tell if building a strategy around this is reliable. As of right now, Liandrys etc. does not proc your passive.
Final Words?
If Renata gets nerfed, I'm driving all the way to Riot HQ to play the most annoying sound in the world at full volume the whole day. That being said,
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