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Ryze Build Guide by YKrow

Middle [25.S1.2] Olympic Runner Carry

Middle [25.S1.2] Olympic Runner Carry

Updated on January 21, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author YKrow Build Guide By YKrow 7 0 32,538 Views 6 Comments
7 0 32,538 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author YKrow Ryze Build Guide By YKrow Updated on January 21, 2025
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Runes: Fastest Way To Gathering The Rune

1 2
Phase Rush
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health


Always pick ghost
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Champion Build Guide

[25.S1.2] Olympic Runner Carry

By YKrow
About this season and this build and Ryze
;TLDR; Run Combo Ruuuuuuun Combo

About this guide

The Feats of Strength quest plays a critical role in the Noxus event. Whoever upgrades their boots gains increased movement speed, which is essential for mobility and positioning.
This is why I prioritize this build for Ryze. His key abilities, W and E, have a cast range of 600 (mid-range), requiring him to put himself at risk within enemy attack range.

If Ryze wins the Feats of Strength quest, this build allows him to close the gap and reach enemies more easily.
If Ryze loses the quest, this build provides the mobility he needs to safely disengage and reposition in fights.

No Boots and Your Jungler Is Fighting?

Don’t worry! At level 1, with Celerity and the +2% Movement Speed shard, your movement speed starts at 350.

Additionally, you have Ghost, which allows you to quickly close the gap, secure a kill, and reduce the cooldown on Magical Footwear. This way, you can get your boots faster while staying mobile and effective in the fight.
Explain build path

1. Prioritize Archangel's Staff

Archangel's Staff should be your first priority because Ryze is a mid-game scaling champion who relies heavily on mana. This item provides excellent scaling for both aggressive and defensive playstyles, making it a must-have for Ryze.

2. Build Cosmic Drive

Next, consider Cosmic Drive. This underrated item boasts a 130.61% gold efficiency and provides almost all the stats that Ryze needs to excel in fights and skirmishes.

3. Choose Between Stormsurge or Rabadon's Deathcap

Finally, decide between Stormsurge for a steady, game-dominating stomp or Rabadon's Deathcap for unmatched late-game scaling and damage output.

4. Situational Choices

Void Staff: Pick this if the enemy team is stacking magic resistance to maximize your damage potential.
Lich Bane: Opt for this if you need extra mobility and burst damage, as it synergizes well with Ryze's kit and helps you move faster.

Maximizing Build Utilization

To fully utilize this build, focus on charging Ryze's Q (Overload). The optimal combo for rune stacking is W β†’ E β†’ Q or E β†’ W β†’ Q or E β†’ E β†’ Q, depending on the situation.

Maximizing Damage Output

For maximum damage, use the combo Q β†’ W β†’ Q β†’ E β†’ Q. This sequence ensures you make the most of Ryze's abilities and damage scaling.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author YKrow
YKrow Ryze Guide
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[25.S1.2] Olympic Runner Carry

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