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LeBlanc Build Guide by majuya

3 hit LeBlanc!

3 hit LeBlanc!

Updated on December 15, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author majuya Build Guide By majuya 2,462 Views 0 Comments
2,462 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author majuya LeBlanc Build Guide By majuya Updated on December 15, 2011
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: LeBlanc
  • LoL Champion: LeBlanc


LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Well, this is my build for LeBlanc. She became my main when I figured out how to use her. The reason the name of this build is call "3 hit Leblanc" is because when you gank someone you can literally 3 hit and demolish other champions. I hope you enjoy this build!
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Well, this is my build for LeBlanc. She became my main when I figured out how to use her. The reason the name of this build is call "3 hit Leblanc" is because when you gank someone you can literally 3 hit and demolish other champions. I hope you enjoy this build!
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The reason I use Magic Pen and Ability Power runes is because of the power at the beginning of the game. With this build you can have at least over 40 ability power to start out with. Not just that either, you also have a lot of magic penetration too. Alternative runes can be more magic penetration in the glyph section and have less ability power and a stronger offense.
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The reason I use Magic Pen and Ability Power runes is because of the power at the beginning of the game. With this build you can have at least over 40 ability power to start out with. Not just that either, you also have a lot of magic penetration too. Alternative runes can be more magic penetration in the glyph section and have less ability power and a stronger offense.
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Your beginning item choice at the start of the game would be a Doran's Ring. This item allows you to have +15 ability power and +100 Health. As always you should go mid solo and get to level 6 with this build as quick as you can so you can start to 3 hit champions. The next item you get should be Sorcerer's shoes, this gives you more magic penetration then before with just the magic penetration you have with the marks. Now the next item is an either/or situation..... if your midding against a champion your easily killing then get Mejai's Soulstealer so that when you keep killing him/her then you can get even more stronger, if your killing him/her slowly then get Void Staff so that you can do a ton more damage. Afterwards, work towards a Rabadon's Deathcap so that you can get more ability power. By now they should be running away from you.. or trying to gank you. If the match hasn't ended yet then buy an Abyssal Scepter. Now you'll be really good in team fights alongside maybe a Fiddlesticks? lol .... However if the battle still isn't over then build towards more offense....
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Your beginning item choice at the start of the game would be a Doran's Ring. This item allows you to have +15 ability power and +100 Health. As always you should go mid solo and get to level 6 with this build as quick as you can so you can start to 3 hit champions. The next item you get should be Sorcerer's shoes, this gives you more magic penetration then before with just the magic penetration you have with the marks. Now the next item is an either/or situation..... if your midding against a champion your easily killing then get Mejai's Soulstealer so that when you keep killing him/her then you can get even more stronger, if your killing him/her slowly then get Void Staff so that you can do a ton more damage. Afterwards, work towards a Rabadon's Deathcap so that you can get more ability power. By now they should be running away from you.. or trying to gank you. If the match hasn't ended yet then buy an Abyssal Scepter. Now you'll be really good in team fights alongside maybe a Fiddlesticks? lol .... However if the battle still isn't over then build towards more offense....
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3 hit combo!!

When running up to an enemy, don't be afraid of them. Just use Q - R - W and that should waste them dead, if not, then chase them and shoot ur E and constantly auto attack or Q them until they die......
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3 hit combo!!

When running up to an enemy, don't be afraid of them. Just use Q - R - W and that should waste them dead, if not, then chase them and shoot ur E and constantly auto attack or Q them until they die......
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Pros / Cons

    3 hit enemy champions
    Can be called a hacker
    Can run away from enemies faster with W - R - Flash
    Extremely powerful at level 6 and beyond....

    Very squishy
    Mana can run out in the middle of the combo
    Cooldowns might be a problem between the levels of 6 and 15 during fights....
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Pros / Cons

    3 hit enemy champions
    Can be called a hacker
    Can run away from enemies faster with W - R - Flash
    Extremely powerful at level 6 and beyond....

    Very squishy
    Mana can run out in the middle of the combo
    Cooldowns might be a problem between the levels of 6 and 15 during fights....
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Creeping / Jungling

Start to jungle while one lane is being pushed. The first thing you get is Golem Blue buff, this will help you in team fights with your combos. It'll help by shortening cool downs and giving you more mana over a period of time.
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Creeping / Jungling

Start to jungle while one lane is being pushed. The first thing you get is Golem Blue buff, this will help you in team fights with your combos. It'll help by shortening cool downs and giving you more mana over a period of time.
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Ganking with LeBlanc

If your the type that doesn't want your enemy to get away from a gank then use these methods. When going top lane stay in the bush until you see the enemy you want to demolish, when they get into your way use your Ethereal Chains to slow them then use your sigil of silence and then your mimic, then use your distortion then you should kill that person in one shot.
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Ganking with LeBlanc

If your the type that doesn't want your enemy to get away from a gank then use these methods. When going top lane stay in the bush until you see the enemy you want to demolish, when they get into your way use your Ethereal Chains to slow them then use your sigil of silence and then your mimic, then use your distortion then you should kill that person in one shot.
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Farming with Leblanc is quite easy. When fighting a big creep wave then use distortion to kill most of them then use other moves to get rid of the rest.
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Farming with Leblanc is quite easy. When fighting a big creep wave then use distortion to kill most of them then use other moves to get rid of the rest.
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Team Work

In team fights you want to pick of the squishy of their team. Get rid of them they have more of a chance of losing the team fight since their one man down.
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Team Work

In team fights you want to pick of the squishy of their team. Get rid of them they have more of a chance of losing the team fight since their one man down.
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Overall, I enjoy to main this LeBlanc. It's pretty funny to watch people's comments on how OP I am and being called a hacker. I've even used this build in Dominion and it still rocked with killing champions off. 3v3 is perfect with ganks and 5's you can walk all over their jungle and killing them off 1 by 1 (slow and painful death). Anyways, I hope you use this build and the combo and i hope you enjoy it!
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Overall, I enjoy to main this LeBlanc. It's pretty funny to watch people's comments on how OP I am and being called a hacker. I've even used this build in Dominion and it still rocked with killing champions off. 3v3 is perfect with ganks and 5's you can walk all over their jungle and killing them off 1 by 1 (slow and painful death). Anyways, I hope you use this build and the combo and i hope you enjoy it!
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