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Graves Build Guide by kindervater

3vs3 Domination

3vs3 Domination

Updated on October 26, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kindervater Build Guide By kindervater 7,260 Views 5 Comments
7,260 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kindervater Graves Build Guide By kindervater Updated on October 26, 2011
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This is my first guide so please be gentle. >.> That being said, im definitely open to constructive criticism.

strong harrass early game
great farmer/pusher
gap closer/escape mechanism
powerfull aoe nukes
dat manly mustache.

needs to be "in their face" to do the most damage
lacks sustain early game
it's possible to miss your ult
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Skills and Skills Order

Buckshot is your main harrass and damage skill. Fires three shots in a cone deals additional damage for each shot that hits. This skill is why graves needs to get up close and personal. Let the opponent feel the mustache on your face, before you BLOW THEIR HEAD OFF! :)
(Max this skill first)

Smokescreen is an interesting skill that decreases the sight range of enemies inside. This skill is like a mini Nocturne ultimate that can has amazing effect on range dps or casters as it causes them to have to take the time to reposition themselves to continue fighting.
Smoke Screen is also one of the best tower defence skills. Placed on top of the range dps will either make them sidestep or back out while you clear the minions.
* One point at level 4
** Havent decided whether I prefer maxing this before or after Quickdraw

Quickdraw is the gap closer or escape. Shortens cooldown by one second after every autoattack. Also gives bonus attackspeed. Lets you show them the inside of that giant barrel before you unleash havoc. Has surpisingly long distance and can go over certain walls.
* Max this after Buckshot for offtank build
** Havent decided whether I prefer maxing this before or after Smoke Screen
*** Still take at level 2

Your ultimate. Skillshot nuke that damages the main target and does damage to the targets behind in a cone. This skill can be used to deal large amounts of damage to all your enemys during a teamfight or finish that one guy whos running away. (Don't be afraid of using this in a 1 vs 1 situation)
*This skill has an insane range and it is further increased by the cone damage if nothing is hit. This skill is great for finishing off a fleeing target (if it is off cooldown)

This is his passive. When he hits a target or is hit by anything, his armor and magic resist increases by a certain amount. Stacks 10 times. His armor and magic resist will return to normal if he stops attacking or is not attacked after a short period of time. This skill gives Graves a slight bit more survivability.

smart cast ALL of Graves skills.

for those who do not know what smart casting is, smart casting will auto cast skill shots at the direction of your mouse when you press the key to cast.
this allows you to IMMEDIATELY chain a E -> Q skill in quick succession.
this may take some time to get used to, but you will notice that your combos will feel smoother.

To set smart cast, go to Option -> Key Bindings, scroll down and replace you Q,W,E,R
The default setting for smart cast is Shift+(Q,W,E,R)
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Summoner Spells

Main Choice

Not much to say, flash to escape, flash to chase. With quickdraw, you should be able to get out should you be ganked.

Gives huge advantage in 1 vs 1 situations, slows that buiser so you can kite them.

Other Viables

Great against healers like Mundo, Warwick etc. Also great for finishing off enemies with low health. Take if you think you don't want exhaust.

Another exhaust replacement. Flash Ghost and Quickdraw will let you escape almost anything. Also works as a chaser.

Lets you always be in lane. Although there are other spells that help you in combat, being able to farm at all times is always good.
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I take 21 in offence tree putting a point on Exhaust as well as 9 in support. The reason being the exp from the utility tree is really nice and the slight buff duration from Utility Mastery is one of my favorites. Its also possible to take 21-9-0 putting points in defence. However, I find that my runes and passive is more than enough for survivability.
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Other Items

For those hard to kill tanks. You shouldn't really focus the tank but if you notice your enemy is stacking armor for you, this item will help improve your damage output.

I don't believe this item is still underrated. This is honestly one of my favorite items in the game. The lifesteal and armor is a great way to compensate for low sustain early game and the free ward is just icing on the cake.

A gift for the tank. Gives armor, AD, attack speed. One deadly passive. Get this if there is someone on the team stacking health.

Great item, passive slow and fairly large heath bonus to boot. Does not give as much AD as other items but the suvivability it gives should not be overlooked. If you do end up getting this, you should still be getting red buff from time to time.
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Offtank Graves

*Sell Wriggle's Lantern if you end up having enough for The Bloodthirster end game.

Here is my offtank build. (Does not include sheen)
With this build, you can still do damage and you will be much "tankier" than your average dps.

The idea behind it is simple. Wriggle's Lantern gives AD and armor. It has high lifesteal for its cost. The ward will be useful at dragon or just to prevent ganks from jungle/mid.

Mercury's Treads gives magic resist as well as reduction to CC. Very important as Graves is largely affected by crowd control.

Atma's Impaler from the health you get from Warmog's and banshees

Warmog's Armor Heath, because he really lacks it.
*I know I did say I wasn't a fan of warmorg's but I thought about it and realized that with his passive, my runes, and some of the other items, all he is really missing is the health to tank damage

Infinity Edge With 2% crit from masteries and 18% from Atma's, infinity edge turns out to be a very nice choice for this build

Banshee's Veil Anti-caster. Much needed MR as well as blocking off one potential nuke or stun. Bit of health for more Atma's damage boost and mana as you will be spamming what ever skills are not on cooldown in a team fight.
*with your survivability and lifesteal from wriggles, you rarely have to go back to base, hence the need for a mana boost.

The Bloodthirster If you ever get this far in the game, sell your wriggles for bloodthirster. You lose some armor but you gain a large damage boost.

The only thing that bothers me about this build at the moment is the damage gap from wriggles to atma's. However, I have tested this build and it has proven to work. It's survivability is phenomenal.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kindervater
kindervater Graves Guide
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3vs3 Domination

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