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Choose Champion Build:
Runes: Range ARAM rune
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Champion Build Guide
9.13 ARAM Rune build guide for range
Rune choice explain.
DH: Hunt down low hp opponents.
CS: Range have many chances to hit impaired movement champs, make them take more damage.
EC: The only option suitable for ARAM in this row.
RH: Range in ARAM rely more on basic attack. ULT will make adc more vulnerable to be attacked, so RH regen health better.
CT: cut down is very useful for range in ARAM. Dont take coup de grace, you already have DH. You need to take down some tanks for your teammates, tanks are more dangerous to range.
LB: life steal is very useful for range. it can get up to 20 stacks. Range usually can get some penta.
DH: Hunt down low hp opponents.
CS: Range have many chances to hit impaired movement champs, make them take more damage.
EC: The only option suitable for ARAM in this row.
RH: Range in ARAM rely more on basic attack. ULT will make adc more vulnerable to be attacked, so RH regen health better.
CT: cut down is very useful for range in ARAM. Dont take coup de grace, you already have DH. You need to take down some tanks for your teammates, tanks are more dangerous to range.
LB: life steal is very useful for range. it can get up to 20 stacks. Range usually can get some penta.
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