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Poppy Build Guide by nFa Calvin

A Beast Poppy Build

A Beast Poppy Build

Updated on October 9, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author nFa Calvin Build Guide By nFa Calvin 2,306 Views 0 Comments
2,306 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author nFa Calvin Poppy Build Guide By nFa Calvin Updated on October 9, 2011
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Poppy is an underplayed champion that should not be overlooked. Although not menacing in appearance this oompa loompa packs quite the punch. When played properly poppy can cause mayhem to the enemy and single handedly win games. The build I use is hybrid. Hybrid build has less burst than ap poppy, but is not reliant on her ultimate providing a stronger game presence. This build offers good survivability as well as extremely high burst and sustained damage.
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I take magic penetration reds because you deal primarily magic damage with your deviating blow and heroic charge, it also works very nicely with your gunblade and bloodrazor if you choose to get one. For yellows I use health per level. This is one of the most important runes for Poppy in my opinion because having more hp allows you to soak up more damage through your passive. For blues I take flat cooldown redcution. This is extremly helpful because it means your ultimate and q will be off cooldowns more often making you a more consistent threat. Movement speed for Quints is a must. When you enagge the enemy WILL use summoners to run away. You need to be as mobile as possible to chase for the kill.
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I choose to run 9-0-21. the 9 in the offense tree give me more magic penetration as well as some cdr. The 21 in utility is a MUST. You need the movement speed boost greatly. What is most important as well is having the decreased timers on your summoner spells. Having these available constantly throughout the game adds to your burst, escapes and eye-catching combos.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author nFa Calvin
nFa Calvin Poppy Guide
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A Beast Poppy Build

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