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Anivia General Guide by darkmoms

A Comprehensive Guide to Mid lane AP

A Comprehensive Guide to Mid lane AP

Updated on October 18, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author darkmoms Build Guide By darkmoms 7,463 Views 11 Comments
7,463 Views 11 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author darkmoms Anivia Build Guide By darkmoms Updated on October 18, 2013
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hikari80272 | April 14, 2012 4:06pm
Voted -1
One thing I hate more than a guide that claims to be comprehensive is a guide that simply states what the "new meta" is. You provide almost no useful information and your counter to every champion is Leblanc, Ahri, or Sion. As Dufftime stated, saying that Flash/Ignite is the ONLY "viable" combo to take is just wrong. Xerath benefits greatly from ghost, for one. Getting teleport allows you to gank your sidelanes by going to a ward, etc...

One of my favorite things to do when my lane opponent follows what you call the "new meta" is simply call a mia and keep farming. When they come back, not only have they missed out on CS and EXP, but I can usually harass them thanks to my ward placement.

Now, I can understand that you are a Regibro fanboy. I can respect your respect for him, but just because something works in a tournament (or something he does works) doesn't mean it will work everywhere. If your team can't respond to your ganks from midlane effectively, you might as well not try.
CasterMaster (316) | February 19, 2012 4:05pm
For a comprehensive guide its WAY too short. Also its very hard to read anything so you should add more BBCoding and nonetheless. Also I wouldn't bother with a tier list considering many champions are extremely powerful and also many of them aren't even in the right area. Should just focus to having champions being countered by who and who they counter.
DuffTime (672) | February 6, 2012 5:51pm
Voted +1
I think this is a good job as a first endeavor, and I particularly agree that most AP mid champions should not bother with RoA. I will also add my thoughts on things I feel could be reworked.

"Flash and Ignite are the only two viable summoner spells for mid lane."

This is incorrect, straight away.

Heal is great, ghost is very useful on a lot of champions. That statement should be removed as it's not correct.

Another thing I noticed is a lot of the Champ specific statement I don't agree with and sort of simply reinforce the current common perception which is never beneficial.

Orianna for example is much better than the guide gives her credit for.

I suppose my advice would be more open minded guide writing with less emphasis on how bad certain champions may be specifically the ones who are in all likelihood still very good but simply not played.
weakest | February 5, 2012 9:11pm
I like the idea of making this type of guide. However, when I see the topic, I would think of the following:
1. Some of your personal experience or tips of lane phrase. How and when to push, zoning enemies and outfarming enemies (esp. the geographical properties of mid is a bit different from top/bot), how to gank, counter-jungle (e.g. timing). Of course, with so many AP champs, I understand it maybe a hard time for you....^^''
2. 3 other champs.--- Galio, Fid, Urgot. I don't have much experience (frankly speaking, no experience VS human at all---just some VS AI experience) for Fid and Urgot. But I do see some of players using them as mid laner. For Galio, I used it for sometimes. It counters several champs. (e.g. veig, karth) by its passive (more MR means more AP), which would be good for trading. It's funny to see a Q takes away 1/3 of their health while they can just do a little dmg in return. :)
Neryx | February 5, 2012 8:42pm
I've noticed you haven't put a hard counter to leblanc in mid? Galio out sustains and pushes the lane so hard that she becomes underfarmed.
I'd also argue that Ahri is not a counter pick to brand, granted shes got good sustain but that won't do much vs brand burst and a predicted Spirit rush into a Q will completely shut down her kill attempt.

EDIT. Ziggs could be t1.. hard to tell untill the next tournament but still, he's pretty powerful, good poke, decent CC and escape and his ult is amazing. Different playstle to most APs, can see him countering xerath or anivia pretty hard just because of his long range poke
albableat (147) | February 5, 2012 6:43pm
"A good counter? I'd pick LeBlanc"

Personal <3 for these words :D
Indeed counters almost everyone. Sion is a ***** ><


He is so bad there is no point in even talking about him.

Currently pretty damn OP because of the recent buff. Quite ridiculous because of his Q sustain... To counter him, pick Sion or Ahri.

Doesn't make damn sense to me... Viktor isn't a horrible champ. People just suck with him. At level 9 he's a reminiscent of Vlad, spamming his Q, getting constant shields and MS.
Not sure why he's considered such trash. He isn't that bad, imo.
darkmoms | February 4, 2012 3:36pm
@ iwillblessu I only put Swain in tier 3 because he is forced to rush for a QSS as his second or third item. He is shut down so hard by ignite that in a teamfight, he does not reach his full potential. Also, the skill orders are not entirely accurate, as they are not the main focus of this guide.
darkmoms | February 4, 2012 3:35pm
@ AdamantSentinel, I currently do not know much about Ziggs, so sorry for the misinformation. I will change it right now, as what you just said makes a lot of sense.

@Taneren, I believe I must disagree. Annie cannot clear a wave of minions as fast as the other AP champions and is forced to stay in lane to farm while her opponent ganks. TF is true terror in the hands of TeddyRO, who topped the ladders. I strongly recommend you watch some streams :)
iwillblessu (10) | February 4, 2012 3:29pm
Also, Swain shouldn't be tier 3. Just because you've seen some bad ones, doesn't mean he is a bad champ. In fact, he might be in high teir 1 in terms of goodness. His snare/ damage amplification combined with ult heal is amazing. Also, in ur build u max Q first for anivia... it shouldn't be that. Max E first always.
Taneren (177) | February 4, 2012 3:23pm
I didn't bother to read it (Sorry) but just skipped to the tier list. I'm glad to see you added Anivia to tier 1. But there are wayyy to many champions in Tier 1.

Besides that - Annie, tier 3? Really? Almost every single game I roll Annie, I do not just win the lane - But the game. Her damage is amazing, great CC, push and isn't EXTREMLY MANA dependent, she shouldn't be in tier 3. She's above average.. TF Tier 1? I haven't seen a good TF in ages. AP & AD.
AdamantSentinel | February 4, 2012 3:20pm
Sion might have trouble shutting down Ziggs... Ziggs does a LOT of damage if he can slow you down with his mines, it's stronger than Teemo's ult. He can keep knocking you back, and his q is probably the best skillshot in the game. Ziggs is strong all game, and probably your only hope against him is someone who has better CC, like Ryze. Talon's also a good counter, his silence shuts Ziggs down because he's one of the slowest champions.
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