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Skarner Build Guide by rage_against_people

A gentleman Skarner

A gentleman Skarner

Updated on August 14, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rage_against_people Build Guide By rage_against_people 1,823 Views 0 Comments
1,823 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author rage_against_people Skarner Build Guide By rage_against_people Updated on August 14, 2011
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So this is my type of Skarner. I think he scales with ap much better with AD and seeing all those AD skarners made me do this build
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I go with those runes because Skarn's E skill makes him lane almost forever with mana and AP. U get so much health and its great for harassment. Also the mana regen gives u some nice mana until u get items or blue buff. Still the MP runes are negotiable.
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Tho u have ur passive, sometimes while escaping on low hp cdr is a good idea, cuz that sheild has a 12 sec CD! And maaan do u have to run like crazy! ALso it gives some nice MS boost and a reduced cd on spells witch is really a big + for me cause Ghost is like n1 for meh.
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Tho he is a nice AP having a little bit of dmg isnt too bad so i had manamune for the mana and dmg, Veil goes nice with it and the ms and mana from Trinity just rule. Also start with a book because u get like 35 ap at the beggining and E skill goes MAD.

Skill sequence is simple if u get pounded mUch just maximize sheld before Q!!!!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rage_against_people
rage_against_people Skarner Guide
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A gentleman Skarner

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