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Skarner Build Guide by Toowomba

Aaaaah! The Ancient AP Skarner!

Aaaaah! The Ancient AP Skarner!

Updated on August 14, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Toowomba Build Guide By Toowomba 2,083 Views 0 Comments
2,083 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Toowomba Skarner Build Guide By Toowomba Updated on August 14, 2011
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Hello guys this is my very first guide ever, im here to advice you to just try it out!

just bare with me and il do my best.
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Masteries and Runes

9-0-21 taking improved ghost and improved exhaust

Reds: Magic Penetration

Yellows: Mana Regeneration per Level

Blues: Ability Power per Level

Quintessence: Flat ability power

Skill order: E, Q, W, after that R>E>W>Q

Core Items Regrowth Pendant -> Philosophers Stone -> Merc Treads -> Rylais Crystal Scepter (Belt -> Rod -> Tome) AND/OR Nashors tooth ( Codex -> Stinger) -> Sheen
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Regrowth -> Philosophers stone -> Mercs -> Rylais (Belt -> Rod -> Tome) AND/OR Nashors tooth ( Codex -> Stinger) -> Sheen -> Shurelya's -> Lich Bane -> rabadon or Zhonya's

Philosophers stone? I really like it because you are very mana-hungry at first and you wont be able to really abuse your heal very well until level 5. The extra gold here also helps.

Situational Items
Deathcap & Lichbane or Zhonyas (not useful unless you get both, imo.)
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Chapter 4

i promise you, this is a wow experience! : )

Le End
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Toowomba
Toowomba Skarner Guide
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Aaaaah! The Ancient AP Skarner!

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