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Kayle Build Guide by Shofu3

AD Kayle Burst Damage!

AD Kayle Burst Damage!

Updated on May 16, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shofu3 Build Guide By Shofu3 2,247 Views 0 Comments
2,247 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shofu3 Kayle Build Guide By Shofu3 Updated on May 16, 2012
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Okay, so I haven't been playing Kayle for the longest time, but she is so fun. I've been chaning her build a lot and found this to be the best. I mainly play Summoner's Rift unless i'm joking aorund with some friends and play Dominion so this will be a straight up Summoner's Rift guide.
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I haven't had any trouble with these runes. I believe they could be some of the best choices in the game for an AD Kayle. If you find other ones that seem to be better please let me know and I will try them out. :) For now, the attack speed helps a lot. Crit damage is always nice stacking with the IE. Also AD is especially nice since this is an AD Kayle.
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I chose to go balls out damage. I got the magic pen for all those on-hit items and my Q / E. Building like this I found it to be the most efficient. I haven't come across a champion I can't solo (That isn't fed of course >.>)
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Skill Sequence

I don't like to engage on Kayle mainly because i'm rather squishy without any tank items so I like to sit back and have my E up Q'ing people who are trying to run away to hopefully slow if not take the kill. Also try to pay attention to your teams health and maybe throw a couple W's out here and there. Also make sure to use your ulti at the right time. Using it to escape is a good idea. Try using it in team fights though when someone is being focused so they can hopefully live! :)
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Summoner Spells

I chose flash / ignite . I have been using flash since summoner lvl 12 so i'm pretty used to it and switching that to Ghost would make a big difference in gameplay. I also picked ingnite for some true damage to burn those Mundo's down and other healing champs. I have yet to try Surge as a summoner spell but I have heard it is pretty amazing with the AS and increased AP. I might just stay with Ignite though. I wouldn't go with any other Summoner spells if I was going AD mainly because well they're pretty bad for an AD lol.
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All in all, Kayle is probably my favourite champion to play. She is extremely fun once you finish a build. Can easily farm in jungles once she gets a few items. She has some pretty awesome skins tbh.. I personally love the Viridian Kayle :) I always play her bot lane with a support. I have yet to try mid or solo top or even jungle. Hope you enjoyed this guide. If there is any questions please don't be afraid to ask in comments! Good luck :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shofu3
Shofu3 Kayle Guide
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AD Kayle Burst Damage!

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