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Tristana Build Guide by 52bloodeyes

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Ad laning trish

Updated on April 16, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 52bloodeyes Build Guide By 52bloodeyes 8,304 Views 0 Comments
8,304 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 52bloodeyes Tristana Build Guide By 52bloodeyes Updated on April 16, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



This is my trish build probably could be better but i really like her and it works for me btw how i use her is if someones pushing a turret then i jump behind them and R them into the turret itll usuaslly get you 2 hits and most of hte time they wont attack you right away and you can get off your black cleaver stacks
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i go with all ad runes cause yeah you need power somewhere its not in my build...
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i pick these cause i like everything it give (TRUTH CARE stole it from a guide i guess been to lazy to change them there from like 3 months ago even use these on ap carries...)
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I LOVE BLACK CLEAVER thats why i rush it sometimes your doing bad so you gotta go ionic spark first but with her Q and some good life steal you just dont need all that damage as they dont have anything to block you with oh and btw sell your dorans sword about when your at your bilgewater thing and if you finish your build even upgrade bilgewater you can sell your boots for a bloodthrister but your gonna be so slow... but so much rape... and i choose not to upgrade bilgewater because i dont need the ap stuff just use it for the lifesteal it's almost just HEY IM FANCY oh and i get nashors cause of the CD it gives so yeah you can also get PD or something else
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Skill Sequence

Um sure your E is good nad W is needed but you really need that quick attck so i go WEQ for start then i max Q then go EWEWEWEW and get R when i can my combo is normally jump behind push Q then E cuase its hard for them to run from it and you can cut them off wherever they go defensively i have won many games from jumping hten pushing htem off of a inhib or nexus or turret
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Summoner Spells

I know so bad no flash wtf nub idk i cant use flash you should probably have it there over teleport but she is really slow so if your forced to go back and need to return to lane teleports really good and i like exaust pretty much anything is viable i sometimes go clarvoyence for trolls and stuff promotes fun to troll with i think you could jungle not with this guide though...
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 52bloodeyes
52bloodeyes Tristana Guide
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