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Ability Order
Staggering Blow (PASSIVE)
Nautilus Passive Ability
I was intrigued to try this after playing him one or twice and seeing him naturally get really really tanky even without items and such. when you add attack speed and lifesteal, it gets just a tad insane.
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**NOTE** Id like to thank SaiyanKyo for his absolute help in making this build and guide.
So the good ole 21-0-9 build
Also really straightforward
All the AD and Crit masteries
Utility to help with Mana Regen and Movement speed
The movement speed is huge simply because Nautilus starts out so anything to help at the start is a good thing
As you will see that speed ends up making a huge difference later on with the item build
Also really straightforward
All the AD and Crit masteries
Utility to help with Mana Regen and Movement speed
The movement speed is huge simply because Nautilus starts out so anything to help at the start is a good thing
As you will see that speed ends up making a huge difference later on with the item build
Ok so this is where I have to explain myself just a tad
Nautilus starts of SLOW!
so the items you build for an AD build need to give him damage and increase his speed
Combined with the runes he becomes relatively fast for a champion who starts off this slow
Doran's Blade is a great go-to for starting an AD build in my opinion so we start with that
Beserkers greaves give him movement speed and attack speed. The faster he attacks when he has Titan's Wrath, the more damage you do overall
Zeal not only increases his attack speed but also his movement speed, which will help him keep up with other champs, especially with dredge line and riptide to slow their retreat down
After Zeal, get the Heart of Gold, since the extra money will help finish him off as a truely dominate AD presence
After the Heart of Gold, go Bloodthirster, since the amount of damage you will do will just constaly regain you a remarable amount of life
Turn Zeal in to Phantom Dance after that and at this point Doran's Blade becomes expendable
Build Atma's next and her is why. The whole time Nautilus is leveling, he is gaining a rediculous amount of life. Since the next item after ATma's is Warmogs, and the only real damage item you have is the blood thirster, get some more damage before you get Warmogs
After warmogs, it is time to lose the heart of gold, but Randuins provides and excellent way to not have wasted the Heart of Gold. Its passive and Its active make you a more utilizable AD champion. However, you an also go locket if the situation presents itself
Nautilus starts of SLOW!
so the items you build for an AD build need to give him damage and increase his speed
Combined with the runes he becomes relatively fast for a champion who starts off this slow
Doran's Blade is a great go-to for starting an AD build in my opinion so we start with that
Beserkers greaves give him movement speed and attack speed. The faster he attacks when he has Titan's Wrath, the more damage you do overall
Zeal not only increases his attack speed but also his movement speed, which will help him keep up with other champs, especially with dredge line and riptide to slow their retreat down
After Zeal, get the Heart of Gold, since the extra money will help finish him off as a truely dominate AD presence
After the Heart of Gold, go Bloodthirster, since the amount of damage you will do will just constaly regain you a remarable amount of life
Turn Zeal in to Phantom Dance after that and at this point Doran's Blade becomes expendable
Build Atma's next and her is why. The whole time Nautilus is leveling, he is gaining a rediculous amount of life. Since the next item after ATma's is Warmogs, and the only real damage item you have is the blood thirster, get some more damage before you get Warmogs
After warmogs, it is time to lose the heart of gold, but Randuins provides and excellent way to not have wasted the Heart of Gold. Its passive and Its active make you a more utilizable AD champion. However, you an also go locket if the situation presents itself
So we start with hisas it gives him a nice way to grab overextending champs right into the turret early game. Also a great escape tool if you get facplanted in the bush or to grab the escaping champ so you can get FB. Very effective
After that, i leave it alone unless its all i can choose.
The first skill you want to max asap is This slows enemies, does aoe, and just all around allows to to CC.
When you cant level this, you will want to level as the extra shield is good in a pinch and the extra damage you do to everything around you while it is active is impressive
As always, take at 6, 11, and 16
After that, i leave it alone unless its all i can choose.
The first skill you want to max asap is This slows enemies, does aoe, and just all around allows to to CC.
When you cant level this, you will want to level as the extra shield is good in a pinch and the extra damage you do to everything around you while it is active is impressive
As always, take at 6, 11, and 16
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