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Ryze Build Guide by baconsoap101

AD Ryze - this ***** for real

AD Ryze - this ***** for real

Updated on March 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author baconsoap101 Build Guide By baconsoap101 25,101 Views 2 Comments
25,101 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author baconsoap101 Ryze Build Guide By baconsoap101 Updated on March 12, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Ryze is a fun champion, if your reading this then you'v probably played him many times before, and maybe you'v even tried a stupid build like this, but you'v never thought about how beneficial AD ryze can be!
This build is what i slowly turned into my everyday Ryze build from when ionic spark was released for normal games, and i hope you have just as much fun using it as i do. :)
And don't worry, i don't build him FULL ad, cos that would be just dumb.
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Runes and masteries

The runes are pretty strait forward, defense and magic resist seals and glyphs with hp quints all to make him more durable (he's not exactly a tank), and the attack speed marks to compliment berserker's greaves and help farm up the manamune asap!

The masteries are also nothing special, as much damage as possible without spending more than 21 points in offensive, the magic resist and armor again just to keep him able to farm before he melts some faces!
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Starting with boots and 3 potions give you plenty of early game presence, but the manamune is pretty much the core of Ryze's early game, so use the boots of speed to your advantage while you can. (DONT LET ANYTHING GO TO WASTE)
Now you have your manamune get your boots asap to get it farmed the hell up and keep you moving.
The sheen after manamune and boots is a wicked combo, not only giving the auto attack double up, but giving plenty of mana to keep his abilitys in the non-useless category.

Honestly, the rest of the build is totally dependent on the team match ups and current situations.
Frozen heart is they have a lot of dps, ionic spark if your not getting focused too bad, but the hextech gunblade is almost as good as the manamune, as it gives ad, ap and healing effects on both your sources of damage, combining that with your ult it just mean.
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Summoner Spells

I usually take ghost and ignite, ghost to engage and escape efficiently, and ignite to give me the little burst of power i need to push the lane early game.
however, surge is also an option to ignite, as it doesn't give that much early game power, it buffs your combo up in the late game something nasty.
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After playing a few games using this build you will see how much fun it can be, especially the part where you don't get totally PWND for having a unique build.
This build can be changed around in various ways that may be better than what i have listed above, so feel free to comment and leave your opinion.

No, this was not a troll.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author baconsoap101
baconsoap101 Ryze Guide
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AD Ryze - this ***** for real

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