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Swain Build Guide by SingedDasTroll

AD Swain: Try this at home kids!

AD Swain: Try this at home kids!

Updated on June 28, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SingedDasTroll Build Guide By SingedDasTroll 13,202 Views 0 Comments
13,202 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SingedDasTroll Swain Build Guide By SingedDasTroll Updated on June 28, 2012
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Okay, so I know you must be thinking at the moment WTF is wrong with this guys he must be trolling. Quite honestly, I actually kind of am! Here's how it goes, I happen to be fairly experienced with Swain and know the ins and outs fairly well of this champion. One day in playing I thought to myself, "Swain has a nice amount of spell damage and cc along with his ult to provide sustain..... What if he made a good AD champ!?!" Further in this I guide I will break it down for you. However, this is just to raise awareness and getting people started on finding out how well ap champs do ad. There wont be any fancy bb coding or anything Its just a quick thing Ive thrown together. Who knows, if this gets trend AI might make it really nice or maybe make more!
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So here's how this goes, Ad swain is practical HOWEVER he is fragile and ap Swain is a more practical and consistent. AD Swain is more to have fun and role the dice.


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League of Legends Build Guide Author SingedDasTroll
SingedDasTroll Swain Guide
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AD Swain: Try this at home kids!

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