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Ahri Build Guide by MrNicholas

ahri op

ahri op

Updated on December 14, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MrNicholas Build Guide By MrNicholas 19 9 55,967 Views 37 Comments
19 9 55,967 Views 37 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MrNicholas Ahri Build Guide By MrNicholas Updated on December 14, 2011
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hi evry1 i no ahri isnt releesed but i feel like shes like ashe and im good at ashe so i wanna rite a gide 4 her. welcome

i like dis video bcause it reely shows u how 2 play her
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for runes i go atk dmg for them all since her spels do so much

i like soccer
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4 mastries i go 0=30-0 so i can stay in batle longer

im putting dese words here bcaus i need mor 4 it 2 b a reel guid
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i lik to rush hexdrinker and leviathan bcause it gives me good survivability when i kil evry1 i know bcause shes like ashe and im a good ash

den i buld a bow of speed to make me atk faster, and 3 timats so evrything splashed
ull begodlike
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4 skills u max her ult immediately so u can die to baron fastr and kill every1
wen u get her hart u can make dem chase u but run away after u cassd it or dey mite atk u
her q dos true dmg so powerful but her w does nutting so leve it alon. i wouldnt get her w at all but it makes me wen i get evrything els
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in the laning phase u shuld start off wit 9 healthpots so u can get 2 level 18 b4 evry1 else. den wit ur atk speed and timats u can kill every1

make sur u die 2 dragon rite wen it spawns so u can hav an advantage over nothing
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i've alrdy played ahri in rankd 19 times and got 4 pentakill in eech 1 so i feel like dis build is the way to go
heres sum scores

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pros an cons

i left dis section down here 2 see if u wuld stay dis long

pros: op

cons: nuttin
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team work

u dont need a team since ahri so op. u jus kil ever1 by urself but a good eve on ur teem reely makes a differnce
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summer spells

i get smit so i can get mor gold, then i haked the game 2 get rally bak bcaus i missed it too much so i use those two summer spells

i usd 2 get revive but wen dey got rid of the movespeed bost its bad now
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i hope u guys like the way i play ahri i know she not out yet but shes like ash and im a good ash good luk btw im lvl 3 on us server i like playing lots of bot games my name is : dumb*****69 add me :0 pls dont downvote till u try it so u mite as wel upvote since shes not released
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