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Akali Build Guide by Starpow3r

Akali- AP makes her unstopable

Akali- AP makes her unstopable

Updated on December 5, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Starpow3r Build Guide By Starpow3r 3,017 Views 1 Comments
3,017 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Starpow3r Akali Build Guide By Starpow3r Updated on December 5, 2011
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I choose Akali because she has one of the best burst damage combos. Her twilight shroud is a great escape tool, and she becomes quite tanky late game.
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Masteries and Summoner Spells

I choose 24-6-0 because it gives akali great ability power which makes her very deadly early game. For summoner spells, I use Exhaust & Ignite. I use these because exhaust is great for when your target is running away "and they will be!" and ignite is great for when they come up close to you the ignite really increases your burst damage.
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Mark of the Assassin

Mark of Assassin is such a great harrassing tool, it also combines as the best burst damage skill akali has if you can land that second hit to activate the extra damage.

Twilight Shroud

Twilight shroud is soooooo and i mean sooo good when you combine it with your ulti, as the target can only see you when you attack making it very hard for them to hit u at all!

Crescent Slash

Crescent Slash is a great farming tool and great for making your burst damage that much better.

Shadow Dance

This is one of the reasons why akali is sooooo deadly, 1. It has an ammo system so it can be spammed at the right moment 2. It is sooo good at chasing enemies when they run away for you.
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ABILITY POWER! Thats all i have to say! XD Ability power is Akali's core reason why she is soo deadly.
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Skill Combo

To intiate use Shadow Dance then use Twilight Shroud giving you extra defense and letting you go invisable betweem attacks, after that use Mark of the Assassin and activate the extra damage with a basic attack, then use your Crescent Slash to deal that extra damage. If your target is still alive then just keep using Q-Basic Attck-E untill they start to run, then use ur ulti to finish the victim off!
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Akali is a great assassin and has awesome burst damage, I recomend her if you want tons of kills! XD
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Starpow3r
Starpow3r Akali Guide
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Akali- AP makes her unstopable

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