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Akali Build Guide by Komandr

Jungle Akali Jungle V1.1

Jungle Akali Jungle V1.1

Updated on November 28, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Komandr Build Guide By Komandr 12,012 Views 0 Comments
12,012 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Komandr Akali Build Guide By Komandr Updated on November 28, 2012
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This is a preliminary Akali jungle build, the idea is to give lots of survive-ability late game and still allow you to deal damage through auto attacks and spells. This is my final build of jungle Akali until season 3.
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I just went with straight AP for as much of the bonus attack damage off twin disciplines as possible.
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The Masteries are picked in a way to ensure maximum toughness and still activate Akali's spell vamp.
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The Cloth armor is just for the early jungling phase, once your through that you may sell it, the rest builds into a well rounded killing machiene.
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Skill Sequence

Since early jungle progress is based on quick damage output, we forgo using Twilight shroud in favor of doing more damage. Other than that nothing special.
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Summoner Spells

Smite is just a good choice for any jungler, and Ignite can be used for those early jungle kills, ganks and what not. Oh yeah when its on cool down you get a nice 5 AP and AD which is great early game.
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Creeping / Jungling

1. Get Golems, using smite on the smaller of them, kill the larger one with the help of ignite if you don't plan to gank early, the extra AP and AD will speed you up.

2. Take down wraiths next, start with the small ones and work your way up.

3. Then proceed to take down wolves.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you are out of health potions then base and continue your build.

5. On your way back to Golems take Red buff with smite.

6. Once you hit level 6 start ganking, picking up various creeps as you pass by.
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Pros / Cons

Pros: You are tanky late game, deal awesome damage with both auto attacks and abilities, have excellent survive-ability.

Cons: Rather low armor and MR means your still not a tank, this build is often a little slow.
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Team Work

Weather you gank before 6 is up to you but at 6 you should gank whenever possible, force the opponents to fear the unknown. After team fights start your job is simply to take down the carry as any assassin would.

NOTE: You have a large stash of health but you are still not at all a tank, your armor and MR are quite low.
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Unique Skills

This build offers a variety of advantages, but the biggest one is by far the DPS output late game. That and with Akali's innate her auto attacks hit for an additional 90% in magic damage.
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Level as fast as possible, and gank as soon as you hit level 6.

Please note that this is still a work in progress, if not a complete experiment.
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