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Annie Build Guide by TwistLuk

Annie All Love Play Whit Fire

Annie All Love Play Whit Fire

Updated on September 11, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TwistLuk Build Guide By TwistLuk 1,647 Views 0 Comments
1,647 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TwistLuk Annie Build Guide By TwistLuk Updated on September 11, 2011
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Annie All Love Play Whit Fire

Well That my why to build her that all and most times my team win if i do that build
and my scores also not bad.

my way of play its to win so if i can stun 3 ppl that my team will kill them but i will die me will do it

And Like You Saw my english Really Suck
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Pros / Cons


A massive nuke
A potential aoe stun
A sexy bear
Incredible potential for dominating early - mid game.
Epic skins (if you're into that kind of thing)

Easily focused if you're doing well
Really annoying voice
Mana is a problem mid game ( this is minor )
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Now why i go for that way of 2 rings
1st its give good ap for stret and 5 mana per 5 secs its finsih all urs mana problams at least mine cuz i take blue most times

2nd why not ROW
cuz i got other item for more hp and i think she need magic resist if u love Row then take it but you will be need abyssle

3rd why will of ancients
its giv u ap spell vamp and cuz u got ur stun ea 5 spells most time its save you in 1vs1 and in team fight to live and kill all eles
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For Finish

i write all this cuz there wasnt even 1 other build for annie that i saw here and that my way to build her so i want to know why no 1 eles build her like this what the resons

and for ppl to try this build and tell me what they think about it

The End

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League of Legends Build Guide Author TwistLuk
TwistLuk Annie Guide
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Annie All Love Play Whit Fire

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