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Annie Build Guide by Twister1245

Annie/Tibbers United

Annie/Tibbers United

Updated on July 15, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Twister1245 Build Guide By Twister1245 1,958 Views 0 Comments
1,958 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Twister1245 Annie Build Guide By Twister1245 Updated on July 15, 2011
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This build is far more for burst damage. Works really well when fighting multiple opponents and opening with stun+Tibbers then going W when you get closer, and then backing to behind your team with E and then staying back and firing Q at your team's selected target.
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General Tips

When you spawn, or are buying items, fire off your E and W unless you have the stun, so that when you enter the lane again, you have that stun ready to fire ASAP.

When your in a lane, farm creeps quickly with Incinerate(W), or move ahead of your creeps and open with Incinerate(W) and then let them attack you well Molten Shield(E) is on. this will work both ways, as it lowers their damage, and hurts the creeps a high amount letting you kill creeps faster well saving a LOT of mana (at lvl 1 Molten shield costs 25 mana, and deals 20 +20%AP for 15 seconds well raising armor/magic resist by 10)

Tibbers and Incinerate work WONDERS in team battles, and if your often targetted, walking into team battles with your your Molten shield already on will make you look less appetizing to attack damage players such as Yi, Ashe or Miss Fortune.

Annie isn't effective at jungling until later in the game... where jungling isn't effective, I advise against this. as her W has to long a cooldown, and her Q strikes only 1 target.

Try to be laned against melee champios as they generally are "AD" opponents, and your Incinerate is easier to cast with them close range. But if you are against characters such as Jax or Pantheon with a pounce, always be wary of their pounce, this build is very Glass-cannon.

Never work alone. Annie is a very squishy character and is very unable to fight 2+ characters on her own unlike other heroes such as Jax or Ezreal. she might have the ability to hurt multiple opponents with her Incinerate, Molten Armor, and Tibbers, but her main firepower is best focused on 1 hero alone.

AVOID SILENCES. If you find yourself in the top lane against an enemy that has a silence, politely ask an ally in the the opposite lane (or a ranged hero if your in mid) to switch with you. Annie is VERY weak without her spells, and your opponent will likely walk all over you. enemies such as Cho Gath and Malazhar with short silences can still deal a large bundle of damage as you try to stall the silence out.
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If you don't want to go with Cool Down Runes, there are multiple combos that work, but I advise placing all 4 Rune types into the same general block

Ability Power: Greater Mark of Potency, Greater Seal of Force, Greater Glyph of Potency, and Greater Quintessence of Force add a fairly sizable chunk of Ability Power to annie.

magic penetration: I think you catch my drift by now, generally pick a single route to set all 30 runes into, and then fire all of them into it as to give you the greatest boost.

generally ability power, cooldown reduction, and magic penetraction work for annie, but some less orthodox combos is Health or Health Regeneration, Mana or Mana Regeneration, or Movement Speed. All give of these give you a great boost that comes in handy when you need them.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Twister1245
Twister1245 Annie Guide
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Annie/Tibbers United

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