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Annie Build Guide by xMurphy

Annie - Two Spell Death

Annie - Two Spell Death

Updated on September 25, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xMurphy Build Guide By xMurphy 2,317 Views 1 Comments
2,317 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xMurphy Annie Build Guide By xMurphy Updated on September 25, 2011
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Chapter 1: Introduction

Hey guys.. This is my first ever build on Mobafire, I will be doing a few more as time goes on.. Anyway lets get on with this build. This build is a pure Ability Power and Mana Build. The reason I build Mana is, I include a Archangel Staff in my build as most of you know the passive on that item converts 3% of your Maximum Mana into Ability Power It is quite useful Also late game Annie struggles on Mana.

While using this build I can Guarantee (A LOT) of Burst Damage! And if you play the champion right, you will carry your team very easily.

All this build will be is Showing you what items I get, what masteries I choose, What runes I use and the order of what skills I take.. oh and also my Summoner Spells I take.
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Chapter 2: Annie's Spells

Annie is a burst Ability Power Damage Champion With a very useful stun as a passive.

Pyromania: After casting 5 spells, Annie's next spell will stun the target for 1.75 seconds.
This will be one of the most useful tools while playing Annie. Usually save it for your
Tibbers for a team fight altering stun, remember to go for squishies / carries.

Disintegrate: Annie hurls a mana infused fireball, dealing damage and refunding the mana cost if it destroys the target.
Annie flings a mana infused fireball dealing 90/130/170/215/260 (+0.6) magic damage. Disintegrate's mana cost is refunded if it deals a killing blow.
60/75/90/105/120 Mana
This is your bread and butter of nuking. As well as it being an excellent last hitting tool, with a short cooldown and nice damage last hitting should be a breeze, use it whenever you see a low minion, why not? It gives you your mana back if you last hit!

Incinerate: Annie casts a blazing cone of fire, dealing damage to all targets in the area.
Annie casts a cone of fire dealing 85/145/205/265/325 (+0.6) magic damage to all enemy targets in the area.
80/100/120/140/160 Mana
This will combo up with your disintergrate in the early game. Build your stun by last hitting with disintergrate, run up to whoever you're against use Incinerate to stun them and then fire disintergrate.

Molten Shield: Shields Annie from harm, reducing damage she takes and returning damage from normal attacks.
Places a shield around Annie for 15 seconds, increasing her armor and magic resistance by 10/20/30/40/50. Deals 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.2) magic damage to enemies who attack Annie with normal attacks.
25/25/25/25/25 Mana

Summon: Tibbers: Annie wills her bear Tibbers to life, dealing damage to units in the area. Tibbers can attack and also burns enemies that stand near him.
Deals 200/325/450 (+0.7) magic damage to units in the target area and summons Annie's bear, Tibbers, to destroy her enemies.

Tibbers has 1200/1200/1200 health, 80/105/130 attack damage, and continually deals 40/60/80 magic damage to surrounding enemies.
150/200/250 Mana

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Chapter 3: Pros / Cons

High Damage Output.
Very Good In Team Fights.(You are the reason to winning team fights if your playing well.)
A Very Nice AoE Stun.
Epic Skins.
Very Cute Voice :D

Quite Squishy.
Easily Focused Down.
No Escape Spells Unless You Take Flash.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xMurphy
xMurphy Annie Guide
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Annie - Two Spell Death

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