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Mordekaiser Build Guide by LightMaGiK

AP Carry AP Mordekaiser - The Mid-Ranged Metal Marauder

AP Carry AP Mordekaiser - The Mid-Ranged Metal Marauder

Updated on November 25, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LightMaGiK Build Guide By LightMaGiK 9 3 21,778 Views 17 Comments
9 3 21,778 Views 17 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LightMaGiK Mordekaiser Build Guide By LightMaGiK Updated on November 25, 2012
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This Mordekaiser build was developed from playing Morde 75% of the time during my LoL career.

I am now level 30 and usually go on 5 game win streaks with this build.

Feed back would be great to improve this build.

Any tips concerning me as a Morde player will be greatly appreciated as well.

XXXX This guide was made for fun and was not intended to be polished or explained well XXXX

>>>>>>>>>>>>>(This is my first build and is mostly for showing my friends what I do as a mostly Morde player)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

(Still a work in progress and needs more info)

I apologize to anyone who is upset or was downvoted due to people downvoting other guides. I was not involved in any of that, nor did I promote it! :(
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Pros / Cons

+ Immense Burst
+ Early game speed allowing constant pokes
+ Heal allows for early game aggression
+ Burst applies to the entire enemy team in team fights
+ Health restored from abilities more than lost + shield
+ Kills Jungle Minions extremely efficiently
+ Farms extremely efficiently
+ Can dominate any lane solo or not
+ Baits Extremely well
+ You Can 1v1 almost anyone
+ Heal allows for less recalls
+ Easy Flash Nukes and Tower Dives
+ Late Game Chasing
+ Late Game Unrivaled Domination (If Farmed Well)
+ Fairly Simple Build allowing for easy gameplay

- Not as Tanky
- Not as Ganky
- Not as Chasey
- Easy to get ganked (When flash is down)
- CS is difficult to get early game (due to being used to the builds immense damage scale)
- No offensive summoner spells
- Can't get blue (Helps with spamming Siphon of Destruction and dealing immense damage but team will get mad because you have no mana)
- Not a Pro Build
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LightMaGiK
LightMaGiK Mordekaiser Guide
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AP Mordekaiser - The Mid-Ranged Metal Marauder

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