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Nidalee Build Guide by Hestock

AP Nidalee (Not completed)

AP Nidalee (Not completed)

Updated on July 31, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hestock Build Guide By Hestock 1,422 Views 0 Comments
1,422 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hestock Nidalee Build Guide By Hestock Updated on July 31, 2012
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Hey, welcome to my first Guide! First of all, my english isn't best, so stay tuned :-) .

And i cant use this well (rune images in this text etc.).
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For runes I take Greater Quintessence of Potency + Greater Mark of Insight + Greater Seal of Clarity + Greater Glyph of Potency, this allows me to deal many damage at early games, but if you want to do damage in lategame take Greater Glyph of Force instead of Potency.
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Now masteries I take 21/0/9.
Cd reduction and damage dealt in offense + Mana regen. in Utility.
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Skill Sequence

I take Exhaust and Flash. Both are for escaping.
Ignite is good opinion too, but when you are using spears so much like me, Ignite will be useless.
Clavoyance is only for navigating spears, it is for me not important.
Clarity is only good when you are spamming abilites when in human form, I dont take it because I am usually in cat for travel and throw spears.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hestock
Hestock Nidalee Guide
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AP Nidalee (Not completed)

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