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Nidalee Build Guide by Rozzi

AP Nidalee - Solo top/Mid

AP Nidalee - Solo top/Mid

Updated on July 3, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rozzi Build Guide By Rozzi 1,783 Views 0 Comments
1,783 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rozzi Nidalee Build Guide By Rozzi Updated on July 3, 2012
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Nidalee is a long ranged champion with great lane substain. In this guide, I will help you with laning, skill rotaion, when to cat/human form, item selection and alot more!
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Start off with Doran's Ring. With the small amount of ability power and mana regen, you should be able to pressure your opponent and farm your way to level 6 easyly. I recommend laning until you can buy your starter boots and sheen. Sheen will help you pressure your opponent with your cat form very easy. From there you can get your magaic pen boots and Fiendish Tome for reduced cooldown. The cooldown reduction is great for throwing spears, and smashing ablities in cat form. After those 2 items, get basic AP items like Deathcap and Hourglass. You can also sell your Doran's Ring for defensive item like Thormail or Guardian Angel.
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Summoner Spells

Flash and Ignite are the two summoners I use. Flash is great for escaping ganks and increasing the damage on a spear throw. Ignite is also great pressure while laning.
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Skill Sequence

Your trap is defenitly a good choice for level 1. If you are playing mid, I would recommend trapping your bushes as wards as fast as possible. As solo top, trap the river bush and you should be good. The trap is also good for pressuring enemies and creep killing, as the dot will hit about a bar and a half on a chapion at level one. Your spear is a great level 2 ability to really force your opponent to base because you can put him under 1/4 health after 2 good spears. Throw those swiftly between creep kills and try to keep your enemy away from farming with your long range. At level 3, I usually grab the heal if my opponent hits me alot instead of farming, but if I can keep him away from mobs without getting hit, I can grab level 2 spear to hit even harder. The spear is also great to hit a ganker that just got snapped by your trap and half-health him right away. At level 6, this is where nidalee is dangerous. Swipe and Pounce are your 2 AP abilities that will damage your opponent hard. I usually open with pounce if I'm not too low in HP, instead I keep it as a getaway spell. I always try to swipe first then takedown since Q hits harder with the less HP the champion has, plus it's a AD ability.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rozzi
Rozzi Nidalee Guide
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AP Nidalee - Solo top/Mid

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