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Rengar Build Guide by KiwiMagic

AP Rengar, AOE Madness

AP Rengar, AOE Madness

Updated on September 9, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KiwiMagic Build Guide By KiwiMagic 4,767 Views 0 Comments
4,767 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KiwiMagic Rengar Build Guide By KiwiMagic Updated on September 9, 2012
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Intro to AP Rengar

So, Rengar was intended to be an AD champ but his amazing base damage along with 1.0 AP ratio on his w allows him to have extremely high burst and even heals himself. This is my first guide so don't hurt me. Feedback is appreciated as well.
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This rune setup works well against most tops, you can change the per level mr runes to flat mr if you are against an AP top. Otherwise, these runes are great.
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Pretty basic AP masteries, switch up the defensive masteries based on who you're laning against.
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The goal of this build is to maximize CDR seeing as Rengar is a manaless champ and casting abilties builds ferocity. Spirit Visage is so you're 'w' heals you for more and it gives some CDR, sell heart of gold at end to buy abyssal. You can sell spirit visage and buy an item like zhonyas if you don't need the extra sustain late game.
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Skill Sequence

Max 'w', the 'e' gives you a lot of poke in lane and has good base stats. I grab q at level three so I can max ferocity faster in lane.
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Summoner Spells

Flash Ignite, you can run ghost but I think that the extra movement speed your ult gives you is good enough.
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Team Work

Your goal is to pretty much to kill any squishy that does a lot of damage in team fights. Make sure you know if anyone on the other team has oracles, they will just cc the **** out of you before you even get to their
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That's all for my guide, once again, please give me feedback on the guide and I hope you have fun with AP Rengar.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KiwiMagic
KiwiMagic Rengar Guide
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AP Rengar, AOE Madness

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