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Poppy Build Guide by EXhaddoken

AP Shenanigans with Poppy

AP Shenanigans with Poppy

Updated on January 28, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EXhaddoken Build Guide By EXhaddoken 1,922 Views 0 Comments
1,922 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author EXhaddoken Poppy Build Guide By EXhaddoken Updated on January 28, 2012
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I would like to start the introduction by saying im in no way a professional poppy player this build is what i use to make anyone i go up against very very angry. TO be honest ive only been playing poppy for about a week and i fell in love with her she brought me out of my boring attitude towards other champions. WARNING if you cant position urself well in fights Poppy may not be the best champ for you. playing Poppy is probably the most fun ive ever had playing league her damage gets nuts and i always laugh when i completely embarrass people with her which is pretty easy to do if ur smart.
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The reason i choose my runes like a caster is because i feel like i am more threatening early game plus her Q and E get really scary the more u stack AP.
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I spend all my mastery points in damage to get melee benefits as well as the ap benefits considering shes a melee champ.
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Pros / Cons

- Very scary when feed
- Has great burst if you position urself correctly
- once you get to the sheen you start pooping on people
- getting high kills and low deaths because of ur ulty and w piss people off

- Her farm suck so if you can get a early kill to get the ball rolling youd be better off than trying to kill creeps
- not the strongest early game
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NONE lol her farm suuuuuuuucks
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EXhaddoken
EXhaddoken Poppy Guide
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AP Shenanigans with Poppy

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