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Ability Order
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Hi there my name is Jack and today I would like to talk about Lulu. She can be played as almost anything because she is extremely versatile and I hope you give her a try. In this guide I will be explaining how I play lulu. I have tried all the different ways of playing her AD, full Support, Full AP, and AP/Support and my findings were that you help your team the most when you play her as a AP Support hybrid.
When you are picking your Masteries you really want to pick up all the CDR that you can get with
Sorcery& Intelligence and you also want to pick up all of the Gold per 10 Greed and Exp increasing Sage & Awareness .
Sorcery& Intelligence and you also want to pick up all of the Gold per 10 Greed and Exp increasing Sage & Awareness .
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