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Vladimir Build Guide by Trowser

AP Vladimir- Ranked play

AP Vladimir- Ranked play

Updated on June 23, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Trowser Build Guide By Trowser 3,580 Views 1 Comments
3,580 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Trowser Vladimir Build Guide By Trowser Updated on June 23, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Why vladimir is a good character

In my opinion vladimir is one of the Strongest 6300s in the game. He is the champion i am using to get up in horrid elo. For an example that inspired me to make this guide that he is the best person to play in solo queque in my opinion. I went 10-1 with this build and we had a rager xin zhao that fed and went 0-27. They could not win because me tryndamere, Leblanc and Nunu tore their heads off 5v4. This may be luck or just proof that vlad is insane. I went 10-1 and 3 hit most of their team. For solo or duo que i think Vladimir is amazing and i have not lost with him yet.
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I like to go Magic penetration reds, Armor or Ability power yellows, And for blues and quints i take Flat ability power. This makes me hit hard early to mid plus the items you buy going on with this build is really nice. you could take health yellows if you want i suppose but armor is for minion aggression.
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These masteries are self explainable. But i take cdr and try to avoid anything with mana in utility tree. make sure to take reduced death time and greed. in offense tree i take the extra ap and cdr + spell pen.
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First i take a amp tome and focus on farming minions early this explains why i don't take boots first. When you farm with Vladimir you should crow around minions and use your e and last hit with q. Vladimir is probably the best farmer in the game. When you first back you should get regular boots and the revolver. when you get your Q to level four start getting aggressive and use Q E Q and then if your in danger use W. when you back next get the health and the blasting wand. You will then back again later and pick up rabadons. You then finish the rylais. They should be stacking MR by this time so get a void staff next. To finish the spell vamp off take a spirit visage and you will destroy.
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Skill Sequence

plain and simple max Q then E and then W a.k.a. Transfusion then Tides of blood and then finish sanguine pool
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Trowser
Trowser Vladimir Guide
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AP Vladimir- Ranked play

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