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Aurora Build Guide by RezoneVerified



Updated on February 5, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RezoneVerified Build Guide By RezoneVerified 114 17 282,066 Views 1 Comments
114 17 282,066 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RezoneVerified Aurora Build Guide By RezoneVerified Updated on February 5, 2025
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Taste of Blood
Deep Ward
Relentless Hunter

Manaflow Band

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health

Champion Build Guide


By RezoneVerified

Rod of Ages


Pen Boots





Aurora’s build focuses on high burst, large sustain and general annoyance. She goes fast, doesn't die and does a lot of damage...and this build compliments that entirely!

Rod of Ages is a great option for Aurora. It offers a great amount of AP, Health and Mana. The item scales well and helps Aurora with mid to late game trades. At max stacks she has great sustain in fights and a deepened mana resevoir. Even the early Catalyst buy allows Aurora to survive even the most annoying of bursts from enemy midlaners.

Liandry's Torment is a fantastic buy on Aurora and realistically is a core item as part of her build path! Due to the nature of her attacks and sustained trades, it makes sense to have something like Liandry's built on her. The burn is easily procced and combined with the early Rod of Ages buy makes her a force to be reckoned with in any mid game team fight!

Sorcerer's Shoes are the stable choice on Aurora, these are rarely deviated from. They offer you extra pen and movement speed. Penetration is so important on Mages including Aurora. It is also very good versus tanky team comps.

If you’re ahead, a Rabadon's Deathcap is a great suggestion because of the damage it provides. It also synergizes incredibly well with an aggressive playstyle with Electrocute and compliments your AP with every significant buy after it. When you’re against assassins like Zed or Talon, going for a Zhonya's Hourglass here is a great option because it prevents them from killing you.

Zhonya's Hourglass is usually a core build on Aurora, this is due to her invisability and ultimate synergising insanely well with the effects of Zhonya - this is usually a 3rd or 4th buy depending on matchup. It offers you extra protection and will help save your life throughout the remaining of the laning phase and in team fights. Zhonya can be delayed depending on team comp, if you feel confident that you won't get burssted down or if you are playing barrier, then you can prioritise a high burst build instead.

Cosmic Drive is a fantastic buy on Aurora, it compliments her hyper mobility well and is frustrating to play against, especially when combo'd with her invisability. Cosmic Drive is rarely built on alot of mages due to their kits not working well with it, but it truly shines in teamfights or hunting down enemy laners.

Void Staff or Cryptbloom is a must for a 5th or 6th buy. The extra pen will come in handy versus teams and champions that are very tanky. Most of your other items are base AP and burn..and a small drop of MR on the enemy team can shut down your momentum, ensure you have a penetration item mid to late game. Without this you can become irrelevant very fast!

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is an unbelievable item that works insanely well on Aurora As most tanky teams consist of melee champions, this item allows you to kite around these melee champions and allow you to create a gap between you and them. Rylai's along with Cosmic Drive realistically means that no one will every escape or catch you.


Aurora's Abilities
Spirit Abjuration (Passive)
Aurora deals magic damage after hitting an enemy three times with her spells and attacks, exorcising a spirit from the enemy, and enters Spirit Mode for a few seconds. While in Spirit Mode, Aurora gains movement speed. Spirits following Aurora grant her additional movement speed and heal her over time. This three-hit passive enhances Aurora's health and mobility while simultaneously draining enemy health.

Twofold Hex (Q)
Aurora fires a blast of cursed energy in a direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and marking them with spirit energy.

Recast: Ends the curse, drawing back the spirit energy to herself and dealing magic damage to enemies passed through. Recast damage is increased based on the enemies' missing health. You can hold the cast for up to 3.5 seconds before it returns to you.

Usage Tip: Wait until your target's health is lower before pulling back the spirit energy for a more effective recast, as the damage increases based on the target's missing health.

Across the Veil (W)
Aurora hops in a direction and, upon landing, enters the spirit realm, briefly becoming invisible and entering spirit mode for several seconds. Takedowns on enemy champions reset the cooldown of this ability.

Usage Tip: Tag enemies with your Q1 (Cast), then use your W to reposition Aurora for an optimal Q2 (Recast) pullback. This can also be useful for making clever escapes.

The Weirding (E)
Aurora sends out a blast of spirit magic, dealing magic damage in an area and slowing enemies. She will hop backward slightly upon casting.

Between Worlds (Ultimate)
Aurora hops forward and, upon landing, sends out a pulse of spirit energy that deals magic damage and slows enemies. The area then merges with the spirit realm for a few seconds, granting Aurora an empowered spirit mode and allowing her to travel from one end of the area to the other. Enemies who try to cross the threshold will take magic damage, be slowed, and be pushed back toward the center of the area.

Ultimate Usage Tip: Her ultimate is a powerful tool in 1v1 scenarios, especially when combined with her E, Q, and W abilities (the best combinations are yet to be tested). It also serves as an effective crowd-control mechanism, disrupting enemy team synergy during team fights.
Pros & Cons
Every champion has some pros and cons, and Aurora is no exception.

High burst potential: Can deliver a significant amount of damage quickly, catching enemies off guard.

Mobility: Allows for flexible positioning, engaging, and disengaging in fights effectively.

Early game strength: Dominates early laning phase, securing kills and objectives.

Utility: Provides crowd control, vision control, and support to teammates.

Fun to play: Engaging gameplay with a high skill ceiling and replayability.


Squishiness: Aurora has very low base stats, making her vulnerable to being quickly taken down if caught out of position or focused in fights. This requires precise positioning and timing to avoid being burst down.

Skillshot reliant: Aurora’s effectiveness heavily depends on landing skill shots. Missing crucial abilities can result in missed opportunities for kills or control in team fights, putting her at a disadvantage.

Mana dependence: Aurora’s abilities have high mana costs, especially in the early game. This requires careful mana management to avoid running out of resources during crucial moments, limiting her ability to maintain pressure.

High cooldowns: Her high burst abilities typically come with long cooldowns, meaning that after using her combo, she may be left vulnerable and unable to contribute significantly to fights until her abilities are back up.

Limited CC: While Aurora does have crowd control abilities, they are not as abundant or reliable as those of some other champions. This limits her ability to consistently control the battlefield and protect herself or her team in engagements.

Aurora is a character who first appeared in "The Spirit of Hearth-Home," a point-and-click adventure mini-game released in Patch 14.11. In this game, she seeks the help of Ornn on behalf of her new friend, the forgotten demigod Hestrelk. Here’s what else you should know about her:

Background Origins: Aurora was born into a Vastayan Bryni tribe in the Freljordian village of Aamu.

Unique Gift: She has the extraordinary ability to see through the veil that separates the spiritual and material realms.

Personality and Challenges Sensitivity: Aurora often feels overwhelmed by the mortal world, particularly in large crowds, loud environments, lengthy conversations, and social gatherings.

Social Struggles: This sensitivity made it hard for her to connect with her peers, leading her to find solace and companionship with spirits, whom she helps and heals.

Abilities and Learning Magic Learning: Despite being a Vastayan, Aurora didn't initially know how to use magic. The Bryni tribe isn't known for magical prowess. She learned magic through trial and error, using a spellbook she meticulously worked on.

Character Development: Aurora's story is one of overcoming personal challenges, learning through persistence, and forming unique bonds that transcend the physical world. Her sensitivity and initial lack of magical skill highlight her resilience and determination to help others, both spirits and mortals alike.

Jarvan IV - The Exemplar of Demacia
The first champion we recommend is Jarvan IV. He is an excellent Jungler and often underrated. Jarvan can start ganking from level 2 and remains strong throughout all stages of the game.

He excels in objective control, and Aurora can rotate to assist him when necessary. Jarvan’s skirmishing power is impressive, allowing him to gank and fight frequently, with or without Aurora’s support. Aurora's poke can weaken enemies, making them prime targets for Jarvan's ganks.

Beyond his early game, Jarvan is exceptional at locking down champions with his E>Q combo and his Ultimate. By holding enemies in place, Aurora can unleash her Q, E, and Ultimate to maximize her damage output.

Leona - The Radiant Dawn
Leona has excellent roaming potential and can help Aurora secure kills in her lane. Leona can roam throughout all stages of the laning phase, and the two can almost always guarantee kills post-six.

Aurora can be pretty squishy, making it challenging for her to get kills when pushing alone. However, Leona's tankiness allows her to soak up a lot of damage thanks to her W. Aurora can poke the enemy down, push them under their tower, and then Leona can dive them. This combination makes it easy for them to secure kills.

Leona also excels in team fights. She can keep enemies locked down with her numerous CC tools. As a strong team-fighting champion, Leona synergizes well with Aurora in team fights. Having champions who can dive deep with Leona is crucial for effective engagements.

Wukong - The Monkey King
Wukong’s Ultimate is excellent in team fights, as it is an AOE tool just like Aurora’s. They can be strong in team fights if they layer their abilities appropriately and attack multiple enemy champions simultaneously.

If Wukong is played in the Jungle role, he can gank Aurora post-6 with his Ultimate. All she needs to do is harass and bully the enemy laner down and get them low. By keeping the minion wave closer to her side of the map, he could easily gank her. If Wukong is played in the Top Lane but can’t secure any kills, she could entice him to roam and help her instead of him sitting with his Ultimate off cooldown.

Just like some other champions on our list, Wukong has good skirmishing power and objective control. Aurora can rotate and help him if he needs any assistance taking objectives.

Skarner - The Crystal Vanguard
Skarner is a strong pick in the current meta due to his Ultimate. His Ultimate can lock down multiple enemy champions, allowing Aurora to follow up with her Ultimate and deal significant damage.

In team fights, Skarner can soak up a lot of damage for Aurora and her allies. This is crucial as she remains quite squishy even with defensive items. It's vital for Skarner to keep her alive longer, using his abilities to secure picks or protect her.

Skarner also excels in objective control, focusing on securing Void Grubs, Dragons, and Rift Heralds. A good Skarner will frequently invade, and with Aurora’s strong pushing power from her E and Q, she can quickly push the lane and assist him.

Trundle - The Troll King
While even the most powerful champions can't always one-shot an enemy, pairing Aurora with Trundle enhances her effectiveness in team fights. Trundle's ability to steal enemy stats makes it easier for Aurora to secure kills.

Trundle can absorb significant damage and weaken the tankiest enemies by reducing their magic resistance and other stats. This allows Aurora and her allies to capitalize on weakened foes. Additionally, Trundle can take on incoming damage that might otherwise be directed at Aurora.

Aurora excels at diving deep into the enemy team during fights. It's crucial to have allies who can dive with her. Trundle can engage alongside Aurora, ensuring she isn’t the only target. This synergy prevents Aurora from becoming the primary focus of the enemy team.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RezoneVerified
RezoneVerified Aurora Guide
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