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Corki Build Guide by GohanMad

Average Corki

Average Corki

Updated on July 29, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GohanMad Build Guide By GohanMad 1,701 Views 0 Comments
1,701 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GohanMad Corki Build Guide By GohanMad Updated on July 29, 2011
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The intro to Ad Crit Corki

This is a great build for ad crit corki Starting with Phosphorus bomb is great for early game harassment then gatling gun for farming make sure you last hit you need your bloodthirster after your berserker greaves!
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Focusing on critcal damage will make your infinty edge Extremely Overpowered! With your magic resist if your laning with *example* veigar, annie will help you live through those last hits! this will allow you an advantage late game Or these runes work with gangplank aswell...
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You will always want to last hit those minions after your gatling gun is done firing when you fire it this allows you enough gold for each bf sword you need or other items allowing you the uperhand.
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Summoner spells

Ignite is for getting enemys that are too far and not low enough hp while they run you use your rockets on them for the kill otherwise dont turret dive thats not good unless low enough hp flash is for escaping a battle and getting away from ganks which can happen often on corki clairvoyance works with him aswell
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Items are what corki needs to become completely Overpowered first off a dorans blade for early game damage and health with 3% lifesteal then vampire Scept for lifesteal sustainable inlane for a while get a few mana potions while your at it then your bloodthirster for lots of ad and lifesteal to be very powerful next you want your infinty edge For its passive for that extra crit damage and Ad Then phantom dancer for attack speed and critcal striking enemys and junglecreeps Then a black cleaver to finish your build if you want you can sell your dorans blade for something like madreds blood razor or just another phantom dancer
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Creeping / Jungling

Corki will always need the buffs no doubt for slowing effects and mana regen/CD for teamfights you can keep using your missles and bombs and escape with valkyrie!
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Thank you for reading this comment make your own changes tell me what you think this has been a corki farm crit ad build!
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