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Warwick Build Guide by Jake10redsox

Awesome Warwick build

Awesome Warwick build

Updated on August 10, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jake10redsox Build Guide By Jake10redsox 2,184 Views 0 Comments
2,184 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jake10redsox Warwick Build Guide By Jake10redsox Updated on August 10, 2011
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Why i chose these items?

With these items you will be able to have max attacks per second which will be at 2.5 per second because of the large bonus of attack speed from the sword of divines. The rest of the items give you critical damage and life steal. Madred's blood razor gives a lot of extra power to your ultimate.
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I choose to do damage runes because with the items Warwick will already have max attakcs per second.
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In game

Buy the items in order and buy the items the build to these items. Warwick is great in 1v1s and in ganking so use ur ultimate to supress them then ur Q attack followed by your w attack and just rught click on them and forget and they will be dead.
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Ability unlock order

I chose to unlock the W skill first because when you are attacking something the W skill will give you an additional 80% attack speed which will help you kill almost anything. Then the Q skill should be unlock next because it can heal you and deal a decent amount of damage.
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My best advise on jungling would be to wait until you level 6+ and then go threw the jungle and get all of the buffs and gang a lane. When you are level 8+ it will be easy for you to solo the dragon so i would suggest that. If you are low on health kill some of the lesser things in the jungle to gain your health back without having to recall.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jake10redsox
Jake10redsox Warwick Guide
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Awesome Warwick build

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