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Jarvan IV Build Guide by mattiasblom

Other Backdoor Power Jarvan

Other Backdoor Power Jarvan

Updated on December 1, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mattiasblom Build Guide By mattiasblom 1,801 Views 1 Comments
1,801 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mattiasblom Jarvan IV Build Guide By mattiasblom Updated on December 1, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust



Jarvan is the most manly champion in the league, if you are 800 ELO or lower this is your way to higher ELO. If you simply follow my guide you will be a badass ***********er that dont give a ****. Backdooring is the way to go and therefor ATTACK SPEED!
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The runes i have chosen is for the sake of easily pushing down turrets. Remember you are the only one in the game that isnt a ****** and thats why you should only push. If you can help your teamates, screw that! youre losing pushing time.
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i have chosen these masteries for damage but also extra minnion damage and minnion damage reduction because you will be seeing alot of minnions when you are backdooring.
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these items are chosen for killing towers quickly but also dueling champions. Shurelya's Reverie is also there for running to the lane faster, cus you wanna backdoor.
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Skill Sequence

the reasoning behind chosing "q" before "e" when "e" gives attack speed is because the "q" make you able to kill a minnion wave faster, and gets you to the tower faster.
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Summoner Spells

teleport is for getting to the tower and the exhaust is for dueling sake incase someone is trying to keep you from pushing.
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just remember, the towers killed you parents and you wanna murder them and not help your teamates. With this build you will push faster then a whole team, beside that you are a dueling master incase someone takes recall to kill you.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mattiasblom
mattiasblom Jarvan IV Guide
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Backdoor Power Jarvan

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