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Blitzcrank Build Guide by dri3w

Blitz MvP on the team

Blitz MvP on the team

Updated on July 12, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dri3w Build Guide By dri3w 2,161 Views 0 Comments
2,161 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author dri3w Blitzcrank Build Guide By dri3w Updated on July 12, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Clarity



I was playing AD blitz for a lot of time with mana mune trinity banshee's veil and frozen heart but i relized it is not so good because at every game there is always a better carry ad than blitz so i decided to go support and off tank in the end. + U dont get bored playing blitz because u are intence all the time :D. I am not saying im pro or something like that , i just got an idea , i tried it and i saw it is very good build and gameplay that u should try (in my opinion ofc).
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Summoner Spells

The Teleport spell is good for lane returning after backing for regen or buying but the most important is the team assisting u manage with tp and with good usage of ur abilities cause blitz abilities is super strong for rescuing team members.

The Clarity spell is good for mana recharge for u and ur allies but most important is when u are reaching at 25% hp (in that per cent ur mana barrier pops out and u need to recharge ur mana to get the highest posible amount from mana barrier converted to absorb shield).

A good summoner spell would be clairvoyance in this case u should decide what youy remove between teleport and clarity

You can also use flash instead of teleport but at this point u are loosing the term "support"

DONT EVER USE heal/ignite or stupid combos like theese and ofcourse dont use rally/smite :D
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I prefer theese runes to get some basic damage at the game start so i can kill carries and AP champ to get proper gold because as u know playing a supp champ u dont farm as well:D.

You can of course use what ever runes u want because blitzcrank is combatible with all runes (except energy or energy regen for the obvious reason).
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Pros / Cons

1.Team assistance
2.Early gangs
3.High Surviveability

1.Low mana barrier below 25% hp
2.Low amount of damage dealing
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Team Work

When one from your allies is being attacked by an enemy u should teleport near to him and assist him with reveri first for an easy escape or even to chase the flying enemy/ies and second with ur abilities, im suggesting to use first power fist on that case because even if u are very skilled with the rocked grab u could easy miss and u should not w8 for a good spot while ur ally is in danger , and im only saying that because i have wathced many blitzcranks try to grab an enemy in similar cases to prove how much skilled/pro they are but they are missing the point , TO SAVE THE ALLY!
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At this chapter the only thing i have to say is that u can skip the soul shroud and go for another item , what ever u think its good for you or the team.
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i dont want votes i just want u to comment IF u tested it first and tell me ur opinion because im not sure 2 if is the better way to play blitz and if u think u got a baetter idea post me a link to see another guide or u can tell me what can i change to this guide witch will make it more usefull :D ^^ thanks for ur time if some1 watched :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dri3w
dri3w Blitzcrank Guide
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Blitz MvP on the team

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