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Blitzcrank Build Guide by racerbob1

Blitz, Supreme AD off-tank

Blitz, Supreme AD off-tank

Updated on October 5, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author racerbob1 Build Guide By racerbob1 3,862 Views 0 Comments
3,862 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author racerbob1 Blitzcrank Build Guide By racerbob1 Updated on October 5, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust



Hello, and thank you for giving my guide a read, and with this being my first one, bear with me. Blitzcrank is pretty easy and fun to play, but requires some work to master. Typically, I despise tanking, so this is my basic AD off-tank build for him. Different situations require different builds, but this seems to cover everything I want out of him, and is what I generally build against any normal, balanced team.
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Honestly, runes don't make a huge difference on this guy, and you could get away with many different rune builds, but these are just the ones I have, and seem to be the ones that maximize damage early game (ArPen), while still helping throughout the game (cdr). Mana/5/lvl helps but this one can definitely be replaced, seeing the build focuses on rushing a manamune, and other mana items. Again, just the runes that I had available, maybe straight mana/5 would be better for him and his early game mana problems (which I don't have with the per level seals...).
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My mastery selection may seem a bit odd, but I stand firm to it. People will want to hate for not getting a point on the end of a tree, but I find that everything I need for him is all mid-tree. Feel free to change it up according to your own style, it probably won't affect much.
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My items focus on mana and damage, taking advantage of his mana barrier, and the obscene damage his power fist can pump out. I also focus heavily into movement speed, seeing that his overdrive, ghost, and ms5 boots can basically catch up to anything (then grab, punch, and kill).
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Summoner Spells

Well... ghost and exhaust fit into my mastery build, and have come in handy plenty. Again, I take these to dominate movement speed.
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To sum it up, using this build you should have good survivability, good damage, and good control. You'll have lifesteal for getting hp back, ~3k hp, a hefty mana barrier, some mr and armor, and lots of cc and movespeed to get away if all else fails. GL HF :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author racerbob1
racerbob1 Blitzcrank Guide
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Blitz, Supreme AD off-tank

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