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Blitzcrank Build Guide by McGod

Blitzcrank - I Crank you op

Blitzcrank - I Crank you op

Updated on August 19, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author McGod Build Guide By McGod 2,596 Views 0 Comments
2,596 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author McGod Blitzcrank Build Guide By McGod Updated on August 19, 2011
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Hey I’m McGod and this is my second build.
I've had a lot of games in League of Legends, and I have several accounts in level 30. So now I think it's time for me to let some of the experience go on.
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I've had a lot of success with Blitzcrank, but in the start it was hard to find a build which was good at tanking and damaging, so I’ve got some hints from mobafire, and in the end I created this build so I thought I could just pass it on :D

Blitzcrank is often seen as a bad tank and not that good damage, but actually with this build he has a great tanking option, with a lot of damage. Of Course it also has something to do with the player; you have to play defensive in the start, to secure feeding :D

The reason that I don’t start with grab is that you often waste it, trying to grab enemies but then they get away because of the long cooldown, and it cost a lot of mana, so you waste all your mana in no time. But as soon as you got power fist you have a way bigger chance killing them ;)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author McGod
McGod Blitzcrank Guide
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Blitzcrank - I Crank you op

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