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Blitzcrank Build Guide by Farveknugen

Support Blitzcrank Support/Tank bot lane

Support Blitzcrank Support/Tank bot lane

Updated on November 19, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Farveknugen Build Guide By Farveknugen 6,958 Views 0 Comments
6,958 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Farveknugen Blitzcrank Build Guide By Farveknugen Updated on November 19, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Support/Tanky Blitzcrank. My first Mobafire guide.
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This build is based on Blitzcrank's main role as a support but also by being a support you could be a tank with this guide.
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I chose this runes because of Blitzcrank's passive. Some people might think that it's a bad idea to stack mana instead of health or magic/armor. If you follow this guide you will see at the end that Blitzcrank's passive might save you a lot of last longer in team fights. Also this guide focuses on that Blitzcrank at the end has a decent amount of armor and magic resistence. So the last thing to stack is mana for his passive. This guide isn't for much damage. Just lets you last longer in team fights and be the first one to actually start the fight or bait enemies.
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Masteries have been chosen specifically for a support role, he gets more tanky late game but thats the point, good support early game and then later on an awesome tank.
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Items have been chosen specifically to balance out as much mana as blitz could get and health and also defense like magic/armor resistance and a second life.
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Skill Sequence

Blitzcrank is not an easy champion to play with, at the beginning. After using Blitzcrank for a while you will come out with some logic on how to shoot your "Q" and press your "E" then "Q" for max CC. Then after you hit level 6 you might wanna go with the role of "E"+"Q"+"R" to maximize your CC in the beginning so your allies have more chance to kill the enemy and the enemy has less time to attack and more trouble.
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Summoner Spells

Exhaust and Flash, are the two summoners spells that best suit Blitzcrank because flash could be use as a bait, then run back flash pull/stun and exhaust to slow them down for a much safer kill confirm. Also all your CC's plus your exhaust bring chaos to the enemy and they might fear you.
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For me Blitzcrank is one of the best Champions in LoL. We all have different opinions but after you play Blitzcrank, you will like playing him. He is a fun champion and is a game changing champion which matter a lot.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Farveknugen
Farveknugen Blitzcrank Guide
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Blitzcrank Support/Tank bot lane

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