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Ability Order
Mana Barrier (PASSIVE)
Blitzcrank Passive Ability
Chapter 1
Also remember you're a support, so keep buying wards.
EDIT: Remember to shout "CHOO CHOO" out loud, when activating your W and Shurelya's.(and Ghost, if equipped)
EDIT2: It is possible to buy a Phantom Dancer, or pick Ghost instead of Exhaust for even more fun.
Mark of Resilience:
Makes you somewhat tanky. Ideal if you got an opponent against you who is aggresive, or is poking you.
Seal of Replenishment:
If playing somewhat mana-conservative, you wont run out of mana, and you can grab more often.
Glyph of Warding:
Makes you somewhat tanky. Ideal if you got an opponent against you who is aggresive, or is poking you.
Quintessence of Potency:
Gives you some additional damage on your grab and ultimate. This is not that usefull though, I am looking for a decent replacement.
Makes you somewhat tanky. Ideal if you got an opponent against you who is aggresive, or is poking you.
Seal of Replenishment:
If playing somewhat mana-conservative, you wont run out of mana, and you can grab more often.
Glyph of Warding:
Makes you somewhat tanky. Ideal if you got an opponent against you who is aggresive, or is poking you.
Quintessence of Potency:
Gives you some additional damage on your grab and ultimate. This is not that usefull though, I am looking for a decent replacement.
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